Robin's Nest

Saturday, January 28, 2017

God Said Do It!

Have you ever noticed that there are a lot of people out there that can’t get their minds off of the things they are told they cannot do?  It’s true, tell a child they are not to go in the living room and it won’t be very long until they have the toe of their shoe inside the door. Tell a young driver that you always have to obey the speed limit. If they did we wouldn’t have police lying in wait for them to go speeding by.  You can even tell a very motivated individual they can’t do some task and they will take it as a challenge. Then they will prove you wrong.
A long time ago, and I mean long, people believed that the tomato was poison. Nobody ate them. No one wanted to die. Well, one day they told someone that same line and, and, that person picked one and ate it. Now tomatoes are the number one vg (read that fruit) that is eaten today. I am blown away that the inventor of the bullet proof vest, was the first person to put it on for testing. (pun intended).
Personally I have had a terrible time with this all my life. Even as a teen I didn’t like the idea of how church was always telling me what not to do. Don’t dance, don’t smoke, don’t don’t don’t. Maybe that’s why people left over the years?
This all changed when I went off to Bible College where for the first time I found out something wonderful. The bible is actually filled to overflowing with do’s. “Seek Him and you will find Him” It even tells us to sing – and I can’t sing! Our bible is there to help us get though life with the least amount of scars. God does it by telling us to do the things that will keep us safe. Now, go out there and do something.
Something to think about.

One Liner

If you follow me on face book you would know I post all kinds of "One Liners".  Some are funny but hold an amazing message. Many people let me know they liked it by clicking on 'like'. Had someone reply to a serious one this week, with the line many of you know, "Something to think about". Made me smile. You know why.
There are also many that talk to that people you know and I know (read that, all of us) that just need a lift. Here is an example: People don't need a hand out, they need a hand up. Most people when they read these types of lines think of one of two things. They either think of themselves or they think of someone else that needed a life today. If for themselves they take inventory. They muse about their life and where they have been, how they made it until today and then start dreaming about tomorrow. You might say, good, and you are right. Our total life is a kaleidoscope of people and things that either contributes to the amazing world we live in or it shows how much we take from this world. I know, I just got you thinking.
The last types of “One Liners” that I post are, shall I say, painful. These particular lines talk about how well we are doing as a Christ follower? More than taking inventory, we come face to face with our short comings in living out our faith. We know these failures as we compare ourselves to the ideal we believe we should seek to live.
Unfortunately, none of us are perfect. Every one of these lines are there not to injure us, embarrass, or even to make us have regrets. They are there to help us grow in our faith and closer to the God who wants nothing but the best for us. It's a strange world we live in and the most meaningful relationship I want to have is with my heavenly Father who will use one liner to help me get better and better each and every day as we get closer and closer to Him.

Monday, January 23, 2017

God' Will

Over my lifetime I have had moments that Dr. Phil calls, ‘Defining Moments’. You have had them as well. An important one for me came a very long time ago when someone said something to me that changed my life and still impacts it today. I believe it can change anyone’s life.  So here it is: “The reason you didn't get there is the opportunity never presented itself to you." 
Sounds so simple many people will go, yah, so what? For me, it changed my attitude on so many things and on so many levels. This started a journey of making things happen. If I thought I wanted to try doing something or accomplish something and it didn't present itself to me on a silver platter, and I thought it was something I wanted to do or accomplish, or even just try, I up and made it happen myself.  No longer was I waiting for someone to suggest or help me or to prod me or waiting for one of those motion sensor doors to open. I make it happen. 
Why am I bringing this up after thirty some odd years? As with life, it also applies to finding God’s will for your life. So many people today are asking me to help them find out what God’s will is for their life. Here is what I tell them. Start by asking Him, to reveal His will for your life. Then, don’t just sit there and wait for Him to send you an email. Get going. Go out there and attack every opportunity to do something for God that comes along. You will know very shortly if it is the one or not and before you know it, the right ministry will stand right before you. When it does, you will shout, “I KNOW GOD’S WILL. Give it a try, God will surprise you.
Something to think about

Monday, January 16, 2017

Fog Lights & No Fog

This morning I saw something I have never seen before. Now I have seen lots of lights on my early morning commute before, but not like this. It was a pickup of some kind. My mind was thinking GMC. But here they were coming at me with a huge bar of lights attacked right across on the bumper. Really? Does anyone need that much light? Especially if they are amber.

Now I have seen lots of fog lights on in my time, and mostly when there has never been a hint of fog. It’s almost as if those drivers want to show off how many lights they have and blind everyone coming their way. It was to say the least an unusual sight to see this amber light bar. It even made me smile.

I started thinking as I continued to drive, how much light do we need to get through life. Sometimes we go through fogs and blinding windblown snow and we need that extra light. We call out to God and He sends us Jesus who is described as the light of the world. I even found myself singing the song that goes like this: “Shine, Jesus, shine,  Fill this land with the Father's glory”. We live in a very dark world. A world where we turn a corner and darkness envelops us. He is our guide and light.

Another time, in the Bible Jesus tells us, we are the light, we are actually called by Him to be the light for others as they go through dark times. You see, His light in us is how we navigate through life and help others who don’t have the light of Christ in them yet. Here’s the verse, “You are the light of the world. . . let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

I’m reminded of a time when the electricity in our house went out. It did that with regularity and my parents would fumble along to find the candles and matches. They lite that first candle and from its flame continue to light other candles all around the house. That’s what we do as the church. Jesus is the light of the world, do you pass His light around?

Something to think about


Monday, January 09, 2017

STOP - Red Light

It was cold this morning a 4:42. I just pulled out of the driveway and set the car on auto-pilot to get me to the office. Even though the temperature outside was warmer than yesterday, I still felt cold, very cold. This began the thirty-six minute drive, or so I thought. The first light was red as I took notice of the temperature gauge just starting to creep up. At the next red light, I turned up the fan speed and finally felt something resembling warmth coming out of the dash vents.
The next red light I turned the fan down and changed the radio channel to escape those inane commercials. Time to settle in following another red light before the highway. It was uneventful until I turned off the highway. It was only then that I realized that every light this morning was red when I approached it. Just so you know, it didn’t end there. It seemed every light on this drive was red.
As I sat gathering my thoughts after the forty-four minute drive, I realized that we have red lights in our life as well. Sometimes they come fast and furious and we wish something would go right for us so we can sail along. But no, they keep coming and to me that is not something I view as normal and real. I believe God puts red lights in our lives to keep us safe from all the dangers life tries to throw at us. I have had lots of red lights in my life just like you. Been frustrated at them and even pounded on the imaginary steering wheel. And every time I look back at them with 20/20 vision, I see in those moments God was protected me, and you. Think of this the next time you are stopped at a red light, when you are in too much of a hurry and God changes the light to red to keep you safe.
Something to think about