Robin's Nest

Monday, May 28, 2012

Motivated by a Bird

It’s not often that I just sit and do nothing. I would say that is probably a good way to describe most of us. We like to do things, accomplish much and have the pleasure of getting things done. It could be something as simple as washing a few dishes, picking up after party or getting out and cutting the grass. Could even be as mundane as washing the dirt off the car or watering the tomato plants. I’m not sure if it’s the sense of satisfaction or just the pleasure of being useful.

I sat watching a Robin this spring building a nest. It was fascinating to see all that went in to forming the foundation so it would stay in place and then building on to it with only its beak and feet. I guess fascinating isn’t the right word for a person who feels a sense of accomplishment in doing something and then sits for a while doing nothing but watching a bird work.

Two things happened that day. First I learned by observation. Not learning how I could do the same thing in building a nest, but learned how she accomplished her task. The second thing that happened was, it motivated me to get up off the chair, go and get something done and then return to see how she much more she had done. Almost as if she created in me something that motivated me because of what some other industrious creature was doing.

“I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Phil 4:13, came to mind at first and this made me think of a second verse, And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:24. Within each one of us are gifts and abilities that God wishes for us to use and share. First with the community of faith and also with anyone else that could use a helping hand. The interesting difference I see in these verses is, it is accomplishing something for someone else. It is not centred in what we do for ourselves. No, I can’t help the Robin build its nest. But I can help someone cut their grass, or carry their groceries, even wash their car or just go and pray with someone. As I watch someone else helping someone, someone watches me helping someone, motivates another and another and another to do the same. Maybe that is how mission work started???

And what’s stopping me and you from doing all those good deeds?

Something to think about.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pain Hurts!

Ow – That hurt! Man, do I hate pain. More times than enough, we do something stupid and the result is we injure ourselves. Sometimes it’s an annoyance and sometimes it’s a major distraction. Be assured, there is a big difference between a paper cut and a broken arm. Or for you ladies, a burn and child birth. I can live with the occasional annoyance, but major pain, no thanks.

It doesn’t make any difference whether it comes suddenly or otherwise, pain is pain is pain. Most of us think of two things when it comes to pain. The first we want to rectify the problem that caused the pain in the first place. Then we find a quick solution and get rid of the pain. And this leads to the next thought on pain. Some people are more tolerant of pain then others. That is true. It’s referred to as your pain threshold.

Here are a couple of things I learned. There is a distinct difference between pain threshold and pain tolerance. So that makes things less complicated. Not. Another thing I found is, some research suggests that women have a higher pain threshold then men. Something to do with the child birth thing I mentioned earlier. And lastly, athletes will play longer while feeling pain then non-athletes.

Someone, somewhere did research, and probably got a PHD for the discovery of the different levels of pain. And how did they do that. They probably developed a standardized test which when administered to many individuals produced a nice coloured graph which in some way told us how long it would take for them to become uncomfortable with administered, inflicted pain. My questions; first, who in their right mind would volunteer for this test and secondly, do we have that many people who will do anything for money? I guess the answer is, yes.

The most interesting thing I considered did not come out of my research. It was just something I observed in myself and in others. When we have severe pain, we forget about everyone else and for the duration of the pain, IT’S ALL ABOUT ME!!! You probably agree. Hit the wrong nail with a hammer and nothing is more important than the pain in my finger. Especially if you suffer from arthritis. Just read that it is only in recent history have we developed medications and ways of minimizing or eliminating pain.

The pain we feel is what makes us human. But then I thought of another person. Someone who suffered unimaginable pain and who through it all, who after being physically attacked over and over did not focus on Himself but thought of me and you. The words of the song go like this;

“When He was on the cross, I was on His mind”.

Something to think about


Monday, May 14, 2012

What Will You Be Wearing?

I was just getting comfortable in my seat last Saturday afternoon. We had just made a mad dash from one plane to the next and had settled into our seats. Relaxing, I started my usual pastime of watching people. No, not size or shape or looks or stuff like that. I just watch people, how they go about doing what they are doing. It’s always interesting to watch the other passengers come through the exit door, should call it the entrance door, but I will save that for another time.

Some will come on and look for the row number and then plunk themselves down. Others, over burdened by carry-on luggage, a purse, coffee cup and six kids in toe, will look frazzled and just look like they want to get this trip over with. Most just come aboard, find a place above their heads to stow the one carry on and settle into their seat. I know, and so do you, they all have a story. Behind each set of eyes dwells a person who in some ways feel they are just coming or going. When I walk through the exit door, I try to look at each person as I walk by. Sort of a polite way of saying hello without saying anything.

Back to the story. While watching new passengers coming on I saw something I have never seen before. She entered the emergency exit door and stood there just long enough to get her bearings and then started to make her way through the cabin. Like most women, she had a small carry on and a purse that looked like she hadn’t left much behind. In her mid-twenties, she stood tall and appeared to know to some degree where she was headed. But that wasn’t what caught my attention. It was on her head. There, a bit tilted to one side was, wait for it, a tiara. Yes, you are reading that right.

At first I thought, how strange and then I thought, maybe she forgot about it and didn’t realize she was still wearing it. Or maybe she won it, or it was placed there by a child and she wanted it there to remember that moment for just a little while longer. After she passed I sat there in silence, smiling to myself, filled with all kinds of wonderful thoughts of what that tiara could mean and represent. Before I could notice much more, the cabin door was closed and we were pushing away from the terminal.

I thought of her again today when a question came across my screen. It asked, “What one thing do you think God will ask us about our life as we arrive in heaven?” I know the person asking that is searching for something about what we did with our lives, what we accomplished Him, how many people have we impacted for Christ and brought with us to heaven. Those may be some of the questions we do have to answer but the person asked what the most important question will be. Then I remembered that lady and realized there is only one question He will first ask, “What did you do with My Son?” You will be asked and so will I. What happened before we get there will be over, finished as Jesus said. When we say to God, we accepted Jesus as our saviour; He will place upon our heads a crown of life. We are encouraged by the scriptures to keep the faith until the very end and then to receive this crown.

Maybe when I get to heaven my crown will be a little lopsided too. But I will wear that crown because Christ lives in my heart now and forever. How about you?

Something to think about


Sunday, May 06, 2012

Just One Thing

Recently I had opportunity to talk with some college and career aged adults. At the time I was reminded of a question I had put to similar groups over time. I was looking for something specific. So I asked a question that dealt with their likes and dislikes. Just hang on, it is not about picking things apart, or being super critical.

Okay, here's the question, “If you were given the opportunity, and complete control of the church you attend, what one thing would you change?” Simple, right?

Now I didn’t just fall from the turnip truck so I knew which one they probably would all pick. So I ramped it up a little and qualified it. I gave them the restriction that it not be music. Some laughed, some showed disappointment while a couple said, "that's the only one I would have picked". Before I knew it I had before me a group of young articulate individuals who were willing to not only say something but to go beyond the trivial. They were all thinkers and they showed this with the elimination of music. They really started to think about the church they attend and what it means to have input into the functioning and workings of a congregation that seeks to fulfill its mandate under the direction of God. In no time at all, our time was up and they had not only thought, but verbalized and made decisions about how they can join in the discussion of their church and what it means to be part of the family of God.

The whole exercise with these wonderful adults got me to thinking on my solitary drive home. I recognized what the real question is above and beyond the congregations we find ourselves. So, now to the real question. Ask yourself, "Is there one characteristic you would like to get rid of or change in your life?" This Sunday we looked at Peter and discovered an everyday man. He was similar to you and me in many ways. He worked for a living, on the night shift. Came home to kids, a wife, a mother-in-law and a mortgage and boat loan. He was quick tempered along with many other traits. While looking into the face of His risen Lord, I think he changed and some of those traits were changed or should I be saying, made better. Not eliminated but changed to be used of God.

How about you? Want to look into the eyes of Jesus and recognize that He loves you as you are. And all the wonderful things of who you are, can and will be used for Him.

Something to think about.
