Robin's Nest

Monday, December 19, 2011

It's Christmas For Everyone

This is not a new fact. But it’s true that people drive by every day. And it doesn’t take rocket science to assume they also drive by on Sundays when our church doors are open. For most of those people, they have no idea what is going on behind our doors. I would say, a good many don’t care. In spite of that fact, most of the world we know shares in what we celebrate as a most important celebration. And that is Christmas.
Over the years I have heard time and time again, “If you are not a Christian, a Christ follower, then you should not celebrate Christmas.” Go to work on Dec. 25 and let us have our celebration and we will see you bright and early Tuesday morning. Well my friends, I don’t agree. I have reasons.
My primary reason is, MAYBE, just maybe this will be the only time the world around us knows, feels and experiences something of God’s love. A love that is to each and every human being on this planet. After all, my bible tells me Jesus came to save the lost. Not just certain formerly lost people like you and me. But all people, every single one. John 3:17: For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
What an amazing opportunity we have to share not only our Christmas, but also the God behind Christmas. Jesus came at the right time, at the right moment in history to bring the message of salvation, of grace and forgiveness. It is a message of love that had never been duplicated. And it’s that love we have opportunity to share.
A couple of weeks ago I came across an interesting statistic that basically told me that fifty percent of our population is not looking forward to Christmas. My first thought about how they feel, was due to them not knowing Jesus. When I really thought about it, I realized within my own mind, that they were not looking forward to Christmas because of memories of past Christmases. In many cases, they have never known the true happiness of Christmas. For them, it has been and still is a time of sadness wrapped in terrible memories, or disappointing mornings.
Then I got to thinking of Matt 28 and how it applies to Christmas. Maybe Jesus wants us to go out and bring others in. To share our lives and all the joy we know at Christmas. To give to everyone, young and old, rich and poor, the joy of Christmas that we know and love. Maybe it’s time we shared what we believe about this wonderful day. Just maybe we need to give the best gift of all to everyone we meet. And that gift is Jesus Christ whose birthday we celebrate.
Merry Christmas - One & All.
And a truly Happy New Year.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

We Can Figure It Out

Sometime, yes sometimes, we don’t have the words to say. I had it happen just recently as I visited a bed ridden elderly lady. For more years then we want to count, she has laid there without much of a complaint. Most visits are not too long. A good number of times we just chat and talk about this that and the other and finished our time singing with abandonment many of the hymns of both our youths.
In recent time, she has shared with me about her stomach pain. Now we know it’s not good and has continued to progress. My previous visit didn’t last more then five minutes. She was no mood for a visit. After just a few moments she told me she didn’t want a visit at all. I though I would end with the singing of one of her favorite hymns but that didn’t change things, “I’m not in much of a mood to sing today either.”
Recently I returned to try again to have a visit. This time she was more cordial. She still had a little pain, but not as severe. At least she was comfortable and her new medications were working. She was glad to see me, and vaguely remembered my last visit. We talked a little about just regular stuff. At what I thought was the right moment, I shared with her the Advent we were celebrating at the church and the things I was sharing with all those who came to worship. Lying there, unable to see, but remembering voices, she listened to all that I described. The sights, the sounds and yes, the smell of fresh backed oatmeal cookies brought a smile to her face.
Almost on key, when I finished, she grimiest with some pain. I quietly waited for the pain to subsided. At that point she prayed for the Lord to take away the pain and to be with her two brothers as well. Prayer ended, she quietly informed me, “my two brothers have cancer to.” What more could I say but sorry. She broke the silence by asking me a favour. “Could you sing a hymn for me? Could you sing, ‘Jesus, Loves Me?” I quietly started to sing;
Jesus loves me! this I know,
For the Bible tells me so.
Little ones to Him belong;
They are weak but He is strong.
When I finished the chorus, she smiled and said, “I always sing - for MY Bible tells me so.”
So true. Christmas is a time of love. A time when we all remember God’s gift of love to each and every one of us. A time when we recognize the words in our Bibles that tell us, “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”
At Christmas it is our purpose to tell the world that God in Christ loves everyone. Then we can show the world by loving them back and loving one another.
Yes, I stayed a little longer. Now I’ll let you figure out a way to do the same.
Something to think about.

Monday, December 05, 2011

What's it cost?

It's Christmas?

And the big question is, “What does this cost?” Sometimes that is the first question that comes to mind. Then there are other times where you don’t care what it costs, you just want it. That’s not me. I want to know what the price is. If I think it’s too much, I pass and go after something else. I was like that at one time with groceries but not so much anymore. After all, we do have to eat don’t we. Maybe you have seen the show about extreme coupons. Now that’s shopping.
But seriously, don’t you want to get the best deal for you money? And don’t you want to spread the money around so you can purchase more gifts for everyone? When I was just a wee little lad, my mom and I would go out on Christmas Eve day and do all the last minute shopping for the last minute deals. Did it for years and still continue to do it as my one small memory of mom and I together. After she was gone, I continue doing the Christmas Eve thing but only at one store. After the sun was down and less than an hour to closing time, I would drive over to Canadian Tire. They were always the last store open before Walmart came along. Leaving the girls home on their own, I would buy a boat load of half price items for the next morning. Canadian Tire is known to put their sale items into the computer the night before. Don’t tell anyone.
At the same time, at Christmas we want to give to the ones we love something that says how much we care for them. Unlike the fellow in the commercial who is buying for his wife a phone that cost a penny? But is that the only way we can show loved ones we really, really care? I don’t think it is. So I propose we start a new tradition this year. Think of something that costs a great deal. Something that may be beyond measure. Ask yourself, what does it cost? Because really the only thing that costs the most is our time. Give someone your time. Set aside time to be together. Not just on Christmas Day. Maybe once a month, or once a week. My dad and I did this for most of the last four years of his life and I will never regret one minute of our time together. Well, other than being white knuckled when he drove the odd time.
And I’m not meaning going to show where you sit silently beside each other. Go or be somewhere where you can see each other, talk, listen. Walk in a mall, go for coffee, or lunch or dinner where no one has to clean up and do dishes. Find places where you have never been before and take someone with you. Or ask them to find a new place of adventure. Those places are there and to find them together makes it beautiful, amazing, and an adventure. Here is a novel idea, go to church together, and then go for lunch and talk about what happened with spending an hour together with God? He deserves some our time and love as well. After all, He first loved us and gave His Son.
What does it cost? Just time and we all don’t have enough time to waste not being with each other. Give the gift of your life, because it’s the only real gift you can give.
Something to think about.

What I thought to myself probably shouldn’t be said as I watched the little urchin. Here he was, just before Christmas, and everything on the shelves in the toy section, according to Little Lord Fauntleroy, needed to be bought for him right now. No waiting for Christmas. Not just one item either.

Now I know why we old folks should never find ourselves in the wrong section of the store, the toy section. I couldn’t believe my eyes as I watched child after child, convincing their parent to buy something for them right now. And this with Christmas only a few weeks away. I said to myself, “Have they lost their minds?” It’s only two letters to say no. Yes, I can see on the odd occasion asking mom or dad for a small item at the dollar store. Sorry, the $1.25 store. But a ten or twenty dollar item just before Christmas? And how about the parents who give in to their every whim? Go ahead, tell me I'm out of touch with society today or something to that nature. I may be old but I know that Christmas is a very, extremely, important, special day.

I remember giving my children specific instructions when we went to the mall or out to Towers, or Woolco. I told them if they asked for one item, you would get nothing. They could show me as many things they would like and I would be polite and say that’s nice. But just once say, “Dad, can I have this?” The deal was off. Sometimes back then I would have money to buy something and other times not. Well, my youngest daughter learned very quickly how the scenario worked.
Not long after this, I overheard a young mom say to her child at every insistence that they would die if they didn’t get. . . . . . . She said, “That is very nice but we don’t have the money to get it today. We only have enough money for the things we need right now. Maybe another day”.
I wanted to go up to her and congratulate her and thank her for the line that I learned to say more times than I can count. Don't get me wrong, I would love to give my children the world as well just like you. But maybe, giving them the world and what they want and want now, is counterproductive. It's like waiting for Christmas. One special morning where we are receiving something wonderful from someone who loves us. One day. One special day. One day, in which God gave to all of us a once in a lifetime gift. The greatest gift of all. The gift of His Son.

In a world that is so in touch with immediate gratification, I’m so pleased that we can all wait to receive God’s gift of His Son to us - on Christmas Morning. And not a moment sooner. But not a moment too soon.
Something To Think About.