Robin's Nest

Monday, August 31, 2020

Go Ahead, Tell Them

Just recently I read something I had thought about for most of my adult life but never thought anyone else did. It came in an e mag that I subscribe to and for the most part I glace at each days entry and delete it. Most are trivialities and not worth my time. This happens when you have so many emails of importance in a day.

You get to the point where you delete the ‘buy me’ emails. Then those that only steal your time. This gets them down to a manageable number. Some of these you will check as important for later when there is time, the rest you need to open.

It was then that I opened this emag and began to watch a video about what steals our life and loves and possibilities. His main idea was, worry steals ability to use all our capabilities to use the totality of you potential. YES, I am not the only one who thought this through.

Most of us have great imaginations when we are young. We dream dreams and never say to ourselves; “I can’t do that”. That is until we go to school and being educated takes those dreams and aspirations and puts them in the waste paper basket of life. We learn, get that, to worry about not being able to.

God created us in His image at least that is what I read in ‘The Book’. The problem is we have been educated out of reaching our potential and our dreams. That needs to change. Every child you meet you need to let them know that God said to all of us. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Be the catalyst for every child by telling them they can do whatever they want. And do it by telling them not to worry what people say because God said that , “I CAN!” While your at it, tell yourself as well.

Something to think about. 



Monday, August 24, 2020

Just Give It Away

It’s not what you know that counts. It’s what you know that you share with others that counts. A good number of years ago I heard about a brilliant man who knew more about watches than any person in the world. His watches were worth tens of thousands of dollars. If you had a chance to hold one and see the precision, you would be totally blown away. Each one was a masterpiece and perfect in every way. No, they are not Rolex.

He was the best of the best and charged a lot of money for his hand made watches. Many times other watchmakers would approach him to talk about his skill and precision only to be dismissed. He didn’t want to teach anyone about the way he made a watch. It’s pretty sad when an individual gets to the top of the ladder and doesn’t take anyone along for the climb.

You to may have a gift or talent. Teach someone who would like learn what you learned. My dad did that with me and now I can make the best sawdust in town. Just kidding. But I did inherit his love for working with wood. But let's get back to sharing what we know.

Thinking about this, I open my bible and read Romans written by Paul and the Book of Acts written by Luke. Here were two men, who shared everything they knew about Jesus and the gospel. Why did they do this? I believe it’s like knowing the cure for some disease, like Covid-19, and selling the prescription at cost to save the greatest number of people in the world. And they did just that.

But they weren’t the only ones. Yes, they knew Jesus, (both in different ways) and they took what they knew and gave it away to others and those others gave it away to others and someone gave it away to us. You must understand, Jesus is the cure for eternity and each subsequent generation needs to share Jesus. Don’t keep the truth to yourself, it was shared with you, ‘go and do likewise’.

Something to think about.



Monday, August 17, 2020

Don't Go To A Boring Church

Enthusiasm. An ancient Greek word meaning Èn-thos´... | Ancient ...Every time I have gone into a church to bring a word of God’s love and encouragement I have shared something about ‘enthusiasm’. And if you have been to each and every one of these first time moments, you will have heard a different sermon. None were the same as the other with the exception of dealing with en - theos.

If I were to ask, and I did, what comes to mind when you think of enthusiasm? Do you think of the Grey Cup game? This list includes so many other things. Stop for a moment and ask yourself what yours is. Actually, send me an email and let me know what you think of when you see the word enthusiasm. There was a time in my life it meant going to see my girlfriend at the park. Then it was motorcycles and collector cars. The list continued to go on and on as my life evolved into adulthood, and I acquiring some semblance of maturity and wisdom.

What change it all was going to a church that excited my heart in a deeper way. I look to Jesus for fulfillment and He showed up in the services at the Oddfellow's Hall in Wellandport so many years ago. It was there that I got to get excited about going and being enthusiastic about God. Up until that moment I didn’t think enthusiasm and church would ever be used in the same sentence.

Many years later when I would get excited about going to church, I found out where the word comes from and it’s not at a ball park. Simply put, if you look at the word and divide it, it tells you about being excited en theos, or in today's language, excited in God.

Many churches are closing each and every week and I believe it is because en theos is no longer found inside those four walls. We have the most exciting story to tell to the world. How come it comes across as boring? In many cases, the word is missing one part of it. Excitement is gone, God (theos) is gone and even ‘in’ is now out. Didn’t Jesus die and come back to life? What can be more exciting than that.

If you still want to know God, get up on Sunday morning and go find a church where the parking lot is full and walk in and see if enthusiasm is found on the other side of the door.

Something to think about



Monday, August 10, 2020

It's A New Day

Have you ever got up in the morning all set to get ‘at ‘er’ and nothing goes right? Many people get up now and either check their phone or computer for what came in while then slept.  But what would you do if one or both of those items didn’t work? Believe it or not, but most of us would have an uneasy feeling with an accompanying panic attack. This would throw your whole day off, wouldn’t it?

That is caused by our total 'connectedness' to the greater world around us is encapsulated in  our devices . Doesn't matter the time of day. Case in point, we connect with friends and family in England early in the morning. Or we connect with friends and family in western Canada later in the day. Many times we have incoming emails that need a reply. Our connections no longer depend on a letter or phone. Which means the technology at our finger tips is our ‘go to’ way of reaching out to others.  And it is also our way of keeping up to date with the world around us.

Newspapers in printed form are losing ground. Even sitting down to the six o’clock news is becoming a thing of the past. We have an app for that now. Yahoo’s front page is filled with more news worldwide than a whole paper in your hand could carry. But this is only the beginning of a bad day if it started with one thing going wrong in the first 10 minutes.

There are many other things that would change our day for the worst. But there is help for all of us. While at DollarTree this week, I engaged the cashier about having a great day. She smiled politely. I suggested that she say to herself when she starts each day, “It’s going to be a great day”. Our mindset changes everything.

You see, how we approach each day will in many cases and in many ways, be how our day progresses. I love to wake up each day saying to the Lord; “Thank you Lord for giving to me this new day. Walk with me and we can have a great day together.” And we do, even if the computer doesn’t boot up like it should.

Have an amazing DAY, with something to think about.
