Robin's Nest

Monday, August 31, 2015

Opening a Door

Saw something this past week that made me think of how the world is again changing in so many small ways. No, not something so revealing that it would make you stare and say ‘wow’.  Just something that caught my attention and I thought how unlike us when we were young.
We were having a planning meeting for the next little while here at the church. We met in a coffee shop, and not the one you think. Talking about platforms, styles, examples, and. . . . and I notice a mother and daughter walking in. What happened startled me. I guess I’m old. The mother opened both doors for the daughter who was, I assume, texting. The young lady walked through the first door and waited for mom to open the second door. WHAT! We went back to our discussion as I was shaking my head.
No sooner were we engrossed in this upcoming year when, wouldn’t you know it, it happened again. This time the daughter was not texting or anything. Walks up to the door and waits for the mom to open the door. Moves to the next one and does the same. What's with that? I guess our world is indeed changing. I remember that I opened the door for my mom or I would hear about it in front of a whole bunch of people.  Her way of doing that would be saying very loudly as she waited for me, “WELL?”
But as I sit here I think of another door we do need to open for our children. It’s helping our children with opening the door to their hearts to Jesus. Yes, in Revelation 3 it says that Jesus stands at the door of our heart and knocks. He will indeed come into our hearts as we can all attest to. But maybe there are those moments when He uses us to help our children recognizing who is knocking. Then we gently help them open the door to their hearts for Him. I’ll gladly do that anytime.
Something to think about.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Be Still & Know. . .

Go ahead, take a breath. Breathe deep and pause for a minute. Maybe more than a minute. With less than two weeks left before school, many will be trying to take advantage of these last few precious days of summer holidays. Do this, do that and get this done and, and, and.
At times like these we try to cram as much into the little time available. Reminiscent of cramming for finals. We started our summer with our first priority being, relax. Did you get that part done? I thought so. Now we all start thinking, where did the time go and we have not done much after all. So, it’s a sprint to September 6th.  Or is it?
Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe the relaxing part is all God wanted us to do? Maybe this is that break from life that God gave to us to ready ourselves for another activity filled fall and winter. Maybe, just maybe the summer is there to help us realize that being is better than doing. And just maybe it needed to include just being with Him. James 4:8 “Come near to God and he will come near to you.”   Have you taken opportunity to spend time with Him this summer?
Something to think about.

Monday, August 17, 2015


Human activity and what happens in living life seems to always give us pause. Why is life the way it is? What comes our way changes us, directs us and moves us from where we are to where we would like to be next. On occasion, it’s not where we would like to be at this juncture in time but we have to live with it. This leads me to a question many of us think about in those quiet moments when peace reigns supreme. Here you have it for this week. What’s the most important thing in your life at this moment?
Now don’t just give a pat answer. Think about it for more than a second. But in that second did you say, family? Thought you might. Someone once said that family is number one. If that is true, how true is it when another person said: “What takes up your time is what rules your life.”? HHmmmm. In our modern society we discover so many conflicting phrases. So much so we get very confused on what changes us, directs us or moves us forward. So, what’s important in your life?
I have an easy test that tells you what’s important in your life. Are you ready? What picture do you have on your computer for your wallpaper? Yes, it can be as simple as that. Now don’t get me wrong. We change our picture many times. And I believe it is changed when we move from where we have been to where we are right now. Case in point; for the last year or so, I have had a picture of the outside of the church on my church laptop. Every time I turned on that computer, the first thing that stared me in the face was the church. Just recently while searching for some pictures I went to google images and typed in my life verse. “The Joy of the Lord…” One of the first pictures I saw was a robin on a fence post surrounded by this Neh. 8:10 verse. I knew that it needed to be my wallpaper for right now. For many reasons I won’t get into right now.
At home it’s very different and I change it about once a month. Many times it is a verse of scripture that is talking to me and I need to look at it long and hard. Sometimes it’s a line that haunts me in those long dark nights. Most of all, it’s people, family, friends, who I just want to see their face as I talk with them on the phone. Lastly, my wallpaper reminds me that my Father in heaven is there in the room with me. Even in the simple wallpaper of a verse and a picture of a robin.
What picture is on your computer?
Something to think about

Monday, August 10, 2015

It's Monday Morning

What motivates you? With school just a few weeks away, I have been toying again with this word. I didn’t ask, what moves you because that’s a different consideration. Let’s think about this for a few minutes. This question came to me as I was reminded of asking it of myself a life time ago. Back then there were similar motivators we have today, but there are many different motivators as well. Let’s just say life was different then.
So, what is it? I believe motivation has always been that something within you that pushes you to do things, try things, experience things, or maybe just accepting of the challenge. Take for instance another simple every day question. What motivates you to go to work each day? Some would say they are motivated by duty, or responsibility or pressure, or may I say, pleasure? But then again, some would say the only motivator for them on a Monday morning is the pay cheque at the end of the week. For many, that is enough. At times I would have to include myself in that. First job I had right out of high school was chosen by the pay cheque.
Hunger is a motivator. If I don’t work, I don’t eat.  Some others are motivated like I said, by the challenge. With the Pan Am games coming to a close we know that some of the athletes wanted to see if they could win a medal.  Back at seminary, I remember hearing an unhealthy motivator. You may have heard it as well.  Students were motivated by the desire to get the top mark just to be the top dog. That ended one day when someone in the group asked what my mark was and I said, “Let’s just say that when I graduate, my employer is not going to ask what marks I received but do I have a degree”.
For all of us, motivation is that special something that takes us from where we are to where we need to be. Today, age has changed me. I believe I have discovered what all of us need. That motivator, that something is our desire to be the best that God has always intended us to be. As Rick Warren wrote, we have a purpose. Once you find out our God given purpose, which includes being your best self, we will be motivated to do anything just because He asked. He will motivate you to accomplish anything and everything and will put a smile on your face that will last for the rest of your life and beyond.
Something to think about