Robin's Nest

Monday, September 30, 2013

It's All About Sharing

Do you know what makes me smile?   When I share something with someone and they get it.  Bet that makes you smile to. You know. You learned something and it either makes you fell good that you know ir it's becoming very good at something and someone comes along and share what you know with them, Then they try it and when they get it, they are excited about it as well.
A few weeks ago I was at Lifelabs to have my blood work done and the ladies we having a little difficulty reading the computer screen.  I asked what the problem was and they said the print is to small and they are having a difficult time reading the information and it's not easy to imput information easily.  To which I said, “press down the ctrl key and hold it. At the same time use the wheel on the mouse and move it forward.”  Linda did that and of course it went bigger and bigger.  She was so happy. 
A week later I was back again, just like the doctor ordered.  The first thing she said was, “thank you thank you, thank you.  I’ve told all the other girls and everyone now knows how to make the printing larger or smaller.  It’s so wonderful.”
You may think that is something small. But to someone who needs glasses to read, it’s a big thing. Just think what our country and world would be like if we took what we know about Jesus and His love and shared just a little bit at a time with everyone else. Something we learned that made us joyful and full of enthusiasm. The world would also be joyful and enthusiastic because, "For God so loved the world, that . . . You know it, now pass it on.
Something to think about

Monday, September 23, 2013

Not Just Yet.

I think I scared some people on Sunday.  You know, really scared them. How did I do that? Just by very simply telling them it’s only thirteen weeks until Christmas. Yes, only. And that my friend is scary. After all, didn’t we just get the kids back to school, and dancing lessons and hockey practices start next week. But then when we went into Dollarama this past Saturday they already had their long isle of Christmas stuff in place on those shelves. And as I sat at home Sunday afternoon, I got very frightened. After an amazing Sunday I took some time to just sit and relax, and reflect on all that had happened. Shortly after, not wanting to read, or listen to a sermon, I turned on HGTV. Nothing more relaxing than to watch some fellow renovating and I can just sit there and say to myself so my wife doesn’t hear, “Poor guy”.
And then it happened to me. I turned into one of those deer starring into the headlights. I could not believe my ears and eyes. There before me in a matter of thirty seconds was the evidence of the first Christmas commercial on the small screen.  Yes, you heard me right and now you’re afraid like I am. I called out to my wife as soon as she came in the door from attending a baby shower, “You won’t believe what I just saw?” To which she replies, “No”. “Yes!”
I just sat there in disbelief. Tell you how bad it was, I don’t remember much about the program after that. My mind started going this way and that. Started thinking about being ready and having all the ducks in a row.  Considered what my plan was for the church and how we were going to do this and that. Even started measuring time and space and even worked myself up enough to almost get up off the chair and continuing to plan the work and work the plan. After all, after next Sunday it will only be twelve weeks left.
Then it hit me. I’m the luckiest person I know. I have the distinct pleasure of taking thirteen weeks to prepare for the most important event the world has ever known and celebrated. It is so sad to realize there are millions of people that get tired of Christmas. Steve Brown on his program, Key Life, said it so well.  “People are getting tired of celebrating celebrating”. Yes, that is what he said. Millions of people here is Canada and around the world no longer Celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. And Christmas has no real meaning to them. Other than it’s another holiday and an expensive one at that. Remember it’s not a Christmas Tree any more, it’s a Festive Tree & Seasonal Lights.  This is what I think. When you take Jesus Christ out of the celebration of Christmas you just have another holiday like, Labour Day, August 4th or Boxing Day.    
Yes, I’m with many of you out there. Let’s not start the commercials or the row on row of decorations in the isles just yet. It will be here soon enough. And when it is, we will have our minds and hearts in the right place. Are you with me? Is the risen Jesus why you celebrate? Think ahead. Join me in our minds and hearts as we look forward with anticipation to the clear, crisp, star filled night we experience after coming out of the Christmas Eve service where we ended by singing, “Silent Night, Holy Night, All is calm, All is bright . . . Get ready for it.
Something to look forward to.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Something Old is Always New

Everyone is well aware that life changes every day. Even the ads on tv wake us to the reality of change in our world. Here is something that caught my attention the other day. I sometime wonder about things I hear people say.  You know, when you hear something, you just want to shake your head. Well, you probably do shake your head. I’ll give you a for instance. I’m watching tv the other night and neglected to mute the sound during the commercials. I know, but it just got away from me. I must have been distracted or something. I was just ready to mute the tenth car commercial I had seen within the last twenty two minutes when I heard those famous words, “And it’s only $47,000. Which, with $50,000 down only comes to $400 bi-monthly for 84 months”. "And it’s only"... are you kidding me?  I didn't realize a number of things from this commercial other than, "And it's only..." But here is one, 84 months must mean the car is going to last longer than it takes to pay it off. And that's a big change from years ago. I know you remember. I guess that car is okay and might be a good thing if you make more than six figures, don’t have a mortgage, no visa or utility bills to pay each month. You know, like someone like that thirty five year old son who lives in the basement rec-room. And has no interest of ever moving on in life. Maybe that’s why “My House Your Money” is so popular with parents whose kids are still at home.
Well, these things got me thinking. We know this and it's nothing new to state that we live in a different society today and society will continue to change all the time whether we like it or not.  I remember my parents saying similar things when I was a young, impressionable, just married individual.  Our parents grew up saving everything. After all they may need it some day.  And my generation has done much of the same thing with saving stuff, but we also can spend when they needed to and enjoy the fruits of their labour.

I just read an article that described the ten differences between the Baby Boomers and the Gen-Y group.  And most of the ten deal with money and each persons concept of what money is about and what it’s for. Yes, life is changing. Society is changing. Times are changing and I’m fine with that. I really am. I would never want to go back to a wringer washer, or a party line or drum brakes, or even corded phones.  And maybe I'm somewhat different then most older adults who do not like change.  But I accept most change easily, after all I am a minister of change in churches that need change. I'm older chronologically, but much younger mentally.
You see, the church has until recently been a organization of change. Just think of John and Charles Wesley. They didn't like the music at church so their father suggested they go and write some new stuff.  And they did. Well over 6000 by Charles alone.  And now as society continues its journey of change, we are joining them. Change is exciting. It's energizing. It's amazing. Well, except for one unchangeable part of what we believe. And it was true when I heard these words in my early Bible School days, “We don’t change the message, just the method”. And that my friends is the truth today just like it was forty five years ago when I first heard those words.  Wait, it was true two thousand years ago when the bible writer wrote in Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever”.  And that my friends is the truth and definitely something to grab hold of.
 Something to think about.

Monday, September 09, 2013

It's In The Detail

Did you notice the cool air arrived with the first day of Sept? It’s almost as if it knew the exact day to come. I attended a wedding this past weekend and the forecast was for rain.  When I arrived, there was a slight sprinkle and when the wedding party arrived, no rain at all.  Once everyone was in the building, down it came! Makes you think sometimes?  Makes you think that God somehow decides to make things happen at just the right time. Or not happen.
It was too many years ago to count that I had an incident that made me realize, God is interested in the smallest details. We had planned a drive from Hamilton to the west coast. It was a very long drive. I’m talking twenty seven hundred Km to our friends home. The initial destination, Jansen Saskatchewan to visit our first church once again. Actually we were going to visit our friends out there on our way to Expo 86. The car for the trip was a Ford Escort Wagon. Nice car but not the best to travel long distances. 
It was very late our last night on the road and we were about three miles from our friends home when I started to feel the back of the car start to wander. Thought to myself it might be just something about the gravel road.  Then it became more pronounced. We kept going as we were out there in the middle of nowhere and there are lots of places out in the middle of nowhere in the prairies.  More and more it wandered back and forth. Only one more turn and then a hundred yards to the driveway. Just reached the driveway and I knew we had a flat tire.  We moved the car up a little into the yard and went to sleep not wanting to wake our friends. At four thirty, we woke to a knock on the window that let us know we were welcome to come in to the beds that we waiting for us.
Morning proved interesting as we took the wheel and tire off of the car to discover that it was totally and completely worn out on the inside tread. We knew God was in the details and as I said, “Thank You Lord”, I could hear Him saying, “Your welcome”.
Someday soon, something will happen to each and every one of us and I want you to remember what you have just read, for indeed our God is in the details.
Something to think about.

Monday, September 02, 2013

New Every Day!

There is just something about getting something new.  Or so I grew up to understand it. When I was a child, getting something new was a big deal. I guess it was because the little our parents had, meant the money was not there to get anything and everything we wanted. We would wait for birthdays, Christmas, Easter and even the first day of school.
Our children have had their back to school stuff for a little while now. Well, a week or so. In the story with the children this week Lisa talked about the newness of those things we get for school. Pencils, paper, pads and even crayons. But the newness doesn’t last. She ended by saying that we can start as something new each and every morning with Jesus.
Our world has changed. So often when I am at the store getting what we need I hear a parent say, “Okay, if you behave yourself, you can get something.”  What!  Are you crazy? If you do that every day you go shopping, these kid will think that something new comes every day.  I can hear them now, “Mom, are you going to the store? ‘Cause I want to come”. And that something new yesterday is yesterdays dirty clothes today.
I was at a store a long time ago and heard the words of the mother to her child and I will never forget it. She told the child, “We don’t have any money to buy anything extra today. Maybe another day.”  And the child accepted that. I think I even wrote about this back then.
I want everyone to know that you can have something new every day. Go for a walk with the kids. Maybe even bike or go look for grasshoppers. Find a board game. There are so many things we can do that we have never done before, you just have to open your mind to something new.  And most of them are free.  The other week as we were putting together a jigsaw puzzle, the grandkid joined us and said it’s the first time they have ever done something like this.
Let’s go beyond that. We can have and experience something new every day when we open our bible.  My bible contains 2400 pages. If I read one page a day it will take me six and a half years to read all the way through.  Six years of something new. And it only cost you fifteen minutes every day.  Did you know that Jesus grandfather was Heli? Well actually his step-grandfather. So, put the paper down and dust off your bible and read to the kids or you spouse or just to yourself. I guarantee you will have something new each day.
Something to think about.