Robin's Nest

Monday, April 24, 2017


Last week I was driving and noticed maybe for the first time in years, that I was the only one on the QEW. Yes, it was a holiday weekend and I was up way too early, champing at the bit to get to church. I enjoyed the solitude. Turned the radio down low and just spent time with God.
Many people in our world today don’t do this. Most people always have the radio on or the tv just for background noise or have it for the company. Which gives me the impression, no one wants to be alone. Just as I was thinking this, a single car way back behind me came into view.
The simple reality is, if we have God, we have all we need. Even when we are totally alone, God is with us, watching over us, comforting us and make life so amazing we can’t but smile at His amazing presence.
Take a moment each day this week and sit in the quiet solitude of God’s presence and just experience Him. Then you will smile and know that if all you have is God, it is all you need.
Something to think about

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Hooked on a Feeling

When was the last time you heard someone tell someone else, “I Love You”?  Not often, right? Most of the time when people tell someone they love them it is a very private part of a conversation. That is, if they really mean it. But that’s another story that would probably take writing a book about those that mean it and those that don’t.
Let’s just say you still believe that people mean what they say and say what the mean. Love comes from the heart. Not the beating thing in your chest but the quantitative recognition in the mind that something more is going on. So, would you agree that true love has not only a basis in the heart, or soul and it is accompanied by a feeling?  Don’t you love that song, Hooked on a Feeling and just to help you out, here is the words to the chorus; I'm hooked on a feeling  -  I'm high on believing  -  That you're in love with me.
There see that?  But what does it mean? It means you want to grow the relationship, you want to get to know each other better, you want to spend time together. Consequently, we, that is you & I would do anything for those we love.
Just so you know, that is how Jesus feels. He would do anything for us, because He loves us. After all didn’t He die to pay the price for our sins and rose from the dead to pay the penalty for those sins which gives us an eternal life.
By this He said, “I Love You” to the whole of humanity and that is Something to Think About.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Easter Parade

Only a few more days until Easter.  I know it’s very near on account of what met me at church this morning. Just as I arrived at work I notice two rabbits on the front grass of the church. You look for Robins & I look for bunnies. Hadn’t seen them for a year or so. What a wonderful surprise as I chased a cat away. We are so fortunate here in this part of the world where we can connect many things in life that emphasis Easter.
The bulbs are up, Robins skipping across the grass that is now turning a wonderful shade of green. When I was a couple of years younger we were always told at Sunday school that spring is always a demonstration of God’s love and new life. It was so nice out last night I went working in the garden to clear away last falls dead leaves. And there, new growth was revealed poking up thorough the soil.
Also remembered way back when Easter was one of only three times in the year we received new clothes. Remember the song about the Easter Parade. Many people don’t realize that it was all about walking down Fifth Ave in NYC on their way to St. Patrick’s Cathedral.
Easter is more than that. Christ died a terrible death. This is a known fact. The Roman Gov't of that day wrote about His crusifixtion. Three days later He changed everything on Easter, He came back to life. He conquered death and brought new life to everyone who believes in Him. Just so you know, all the bunnies and chocolate, and eggs don’t replace the most important part of Easter. It’s all about Him and His sacrifice on the cross that brings new life that cannot be compared to anything else no matter how sweet it may be.
This Sunday, make your way to church. Celebrate the greatest gift you will ever receive, forgiveness and new life in Christ.
Something to think about

Monday, April 03, 2017

Getting to Arrivals Level

Do you get excited about people coming to visit, or going to visit someone?  I sure do. Last year we went to England to visit cousins. Almost from the day we made the decision to go, we were so excited. Planning is also a big part of it. Picking a date that suits both sides. Finding a airlines that doesn’t charge too much. Other things like, how to get to the airport, what is waiting on the other side, and that means being ready to drive on the wrong side of the road? What do we take, what will we need?  Oh, did I mention taking a gift for them as well. Maple syrup seems to always work.
While we were there, a couple of them started talking about coming over this way at Easter while Deb is in Florida. Before you could count to ten, there were eight people who wanted to come. More excitement, more planning and in a few days they will be here. We are all counting the days and excited to see everyone again. Someone even said something about “Twice in one year!”
Yes, seeing each other again so soon is a treat to each and every one of us. Now you know what I’m talking about because I know you have been thinking about your own trips and company. So many smiles and so many memories that go along with so many people we miss.
That is how it’s going to be when we all get to heaven. Well except we will not be carrying any baggage. How’s your planning going for that? Just asking. Jesus said no one knows the time or the hour. We just need to be ready. After I accepted Jesus into my heart I knew I would someday be going to heaven. And not just for a visit but forever. For me, it’s been fifty five years so far of anticipation and my excitement is growing knowing that at the end of life’s journey, I will come into heaven and see not just those who have gone before me, but I will step into His presence and see Him face to face.   
Are you ready to see Jesus? Something to think about.