Robin's Nest

Monday, July 30, 2018

One Place

Most of you are probably like me. You put something away and for some unknown reason, can never find it again. I’m not saying that I have the ability to have everything in its place and a place for everything. And I’m not saying I always put things back where they belong. What I am saying is I might just have too many things and too many places to put things.

A good friend of mine tried to teach me that the best way to deal with all the stuff we have is to put it back as soon as you finish with it. Well Doug, I’m still trying but I think it is too far ahead of me I will never get caught up. I’m not giving up. I’m just being real.

Then again, maybe I’m only meant to have a couple of things in order. Maybe all of us have a certain amount of “In Place Items” where they need to be.

If this is so, we need to prioritize. Discover what the most important think in your life is and make that happen. When you have that, move to the next item.

I’m starting slowly and this is my first two items:

       CHRIST needs to be in my heart. “dwell in my heart through faith”.

2     IF #1 is true, and happening, then everything in its place and a place for everything will mean, I need to be where Christ needs me to be in mission, in ministry and in His house on Sunday morning.

Something to think about and a list that will grow as we grow in Him.


Monday, July 23, 2018

Cleaning A Clock

It’s always good to get advice from a pro. Doesn’t matter what the problem is, there is always a professional somewhere who has the answer to any question. Of course that means we don’t ask a brick layer about installing a water line.Now, I know I’m not a professional clock repair person but I’m getting better. But better still, as you might know, I know one. Val has been fixing clocks and watches all his life. Doesn’t matter what I show up with, he inevitably knows the answer.  I remember early on, when I had been working on a clock, I thought I had cleaned it pretty well because I knew clocks can't clean themselves. It looked pretty clean to me. At the time Val had already told me about the need for thorough cleaning. Again, it looked clean enough to oil, so I did. It seemed to be running fine for a couple of weeks. I was so happy until it slowed and finally stopped. I had assumed it was clean but the new oil became the stream for the fine dirt (so he told me later) to get deeper into the works and make its way into bushings and eventually stop the clock. I learned why you have to clean very well.

It’s the same with our lives. Life, sin, and mistakes clog the bushings in our heart. And we get bogged down with life’s dust and dirt.  Sure, we can add some oil to our lives but it doesn’t take the sin away. That is when we call on Jesus to come and wash us clean because we can't clean ourselves. The crimson sin in our lives is changed by God’s cleaning of our hearts and it becomes white a snow. Just like the clock, it may look nice on the outside but it’s what’s inside that counts. And don’t call me to clean your heart. But I know someone who can and will. He alone knows our insides because He made us. He even knows what we need to look like inside. And when we invite He in, He comes and cleanses us from all sin that is not meant to be in our hearts.
And all we have to do is ask the professional.  Something to think about.

Monday, July 16, 2018


Have you ever watched the Canadian tv program, 'Hello Goodbye'?  Because I find myself in a number of airports each year, it intrigued me when I first came across it. Being I'm a people watcher I understood a lot of the dynamics portrayed by the show. Many people at the airport read, or stare for hours at their ipad, or computer because you have to be there 8 hours or so before their flight. On the occasions when I'm the one travelling, I try to stay close to either the arrivals gate or the departure gate. I see people experiencing either excitment and over-joyed with tears or the departure with it's sad tears.

I imagine that these airport moments are only a reflection of what is awaiting us when we take our last departure. A beautiful friend experienced this a week ago. On the one hand, saying goodbye for the last time is always difficult. But on the other hand, if we believe all that the bible says, heaven's arrival will be an experience beyond anything we could ever imagine while we are still on this earth.  Maybe that has something to do with this scripture, where God tells us: 1 Corinthians 2:9, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”— the things God has prepared for those who love him
My bible also tells me in Christ's own word, "In my father's house are many rooms. . . I am going to prepare a place for you, and when I do, I will come back to get you so that where I am, there you will be also". What a detailed description Jesus gives us.  This passage actually begins with an important line: 'Believe in God, believe also in Me".   As with Billy Graham, I'm not looking forward to the how but I am looking for the when moment. 'In the twinkling of an eye'... we will be with Him and all those who made the journey before us".

Knowing Christ as God is the key that opens the door to heaven. Are you ready?
Something to think about.

Monday, July 09, 2018

Another Sunrise - In Convoy

What's with all these too early days? I knew sleep would not be coming back any time soon, so at a couple of minutes after four, I decided to make a stab at starting my day. In a flash I found myself barrelling down the west bound QEW tucked in behind this big  old 18 wheeler headed east with so many other early risers.
Nothing unusual in any way. At this time of the morning what would you expect, same darkness, same highway light, same sights and sounds. Thought about a previous article where I mentioned watching blank faced individuals just driving. That morning my mind went in another direction. I found myself looking far down the road in front of me wondering where are all these people going at such a crazy hour of the morning? Maybe they were awake like me and decided to get an early start on the day. Maybe, maybe they were empty mindedly saying to themselves. “Same crap, different day”. I hope not because every day produces so many amazing new things to see and experience.
Then again, maybe, just maybe they don’t have any idea where they are headed. My bible talks about sheep without a shepherd & sheep being lead to slaughter. But that morning the awareness of God came and sat beside me and spoke decisively.  I felt Him say to me, “Who can I send, who will go for Me?”  I woke from my own lethargy and realized the maybe, just maybe all these people really don’t know where they are going and they are in need of someone to lead them. Our world is filled with people who want to know where they are headed, unfortunately there aren't many who will lead them on their way.
Jesus said, “Follow me”. I don’t believe He meant just getting in line like a big old convoy rolling down the QEW in the centre lane at 4:30am. I honestly believe Jesus was say, “I know where I'm going, come along”.  This all encompassing FOLLOW means following Him all through this life and on into the next. I do know where I’m going. Do you want to know where you’re headed? Jesus can show you, and if you are already following Him, invite others to come along.
Something to think about.

Monday, July 02, 2018

Never Alone

Before many of you go off to the great unknown, let me say, have a wonderful summer.  A number of you have plans. In fact I would hazard a guess that this vacation has been in the works for a long time. So go places, see things, have fun. Just go and enjoy your time away. Others of us just decide to get up and go somewhere at the spur of the moment. That too is fantastic. Not too far and yes, you can sleep in your own bed that night.

This is a wonderful time of the year for most of us. And even as you go places, don’t neglect your growing in Christ. Just over a week ago I went out on our back deck and just sat. Decided that I needed some time to myself. With a hand full of bird seed, I sat and just watched all that was going on in our back yard. There were six types of birds coming to eat, Catalpa blooms slowly dropping off the tree and adding white to the grass and the smell of popcorn to the air.

In the midst of this peace and quiet, wouldn’t you know it, God showed up and we talked. We talked about you and me and what's happening today. He changed the subject asking what my plans were. I knew He was interested. Then He asked what I liked best in those moments watching the birds, squirrels, chipmunks and stray cats. I thought about lots of what I saw but then I realized the best gift He gave me was Him showing up. Then I thought of asking Him the same question. But my insecurities held me back and I was afraid to ask. Maybe He thought it was us showing up to worship Him each Sunday.

Something to think about