Robin's Nest

Sunday, June 23, 2019

All Thumbs

Almost hit a pedestrian the other day. No, not intentionally. They were walking along, phone in both hands and I assume they were reading at text message. They didn’t see me coming and I might have frightened them a little and maybe even woke them up to the world around them. They smiled at me when they recognized me.

This got me to thinking about these devices. They tell us that 63.4 % of the world’s population have one and that it’s probably over 90% of Canada’s population have one. That’s a lot of people with somewhere to go and are blinded of the world around them each time they look at that 5” screen. Part of these cellphone statistics also tell us that individuals on average touch their phone 2617 times a day.  Boy, would I have liked to be the person that sat there and counted all those times and all those people.

This got me to thinking about all those people gazing at their screen.  And because they are so focused, they neglect to see the world around them. They bump into poles, and people and cars and . . . Well, you get the idea. It’s so unfortunate that we are developing into a society that focuses on the infinitesimal and neglect to see the bigger picture.

I understand that God made the world for Himself and then decided He wanted to share it. That is when He created humans. “For the beauty of the earth” is a beautiful song, but a better truth if you look up from your phone. God created a big amazing world and we walk along totally oblivious to it. And even though we have contact with people with our texting, nothing can replace one on one, face to face conversations. Not even a one on one with God as we walk with Him enjoying His creation!

Something to think about.


Monday, June 17, 2019

I Wish We'd All Been Ready

Our children have in most cases been working very hard this year. Some have been like me and are just getting through another year. Most others have put their minds to work and have made it a priority to excel. I know you are now thinking which one you were.

So, how about you today?  Are you a different person, or should I say a better person this June then you were when you stepped into last Sept?  It's not about getting through or just getting it done. Are you a better person now than you were back them? We all remember setting goals and running after our own ambition. We were going to make a difference. Some of us really did want to be a better person, someone who other people looked up to.

Some of us wanted this but became sidetracked by things in life. Things out of our realm of influence and for others it was the loss of drive and focus. Now, as we are looking back and ahead, we know that all of it must have been orchestrated by a God who knows what He wants to see in us. And – we are grateful.

Artie Shaw's motto of life is not on my office wall just to take up space. It is a motto that should motivate you to make the best of your life, your abilities and your desire to follow Him. It’s to keep going, growing and learning. There is in all of us a focus on being a . . . well, a better person and a better follower of Jesus Christs.  Artie put it this way; Good Enough is Not God Enough! Full Stop!

Here is the thing. One part of life is an ongoing process. We need to continue to grow in our spiritual lives. There is so much about God we have yet to learn. Things that are important to pass on to others and thing we need to know before we physically stand before Him. Don’t stop, our eternity depends on it. Continue to get to know Him and be ready, just like that old hymn tells us; “I wish we’d all been ready”.

Something to think about


Monday, June 10, 2019

It's Dad's Day Dude

This coming weekend it’s Father’s Day. I just thought I would remind everyone just in case your week is too hectic and many other things control your mind and memory. I heard somewhere that we have Father’s Day because some lady thought, mothers have their day, why can’t dads have a day as well.
Many of you know that I’m not a person to have a fuss made over. Low keyed, and feel more comfortable celebrating someone else’s good fortune. It’s not that I don’t like Father’s Day, it’s just that you can spoil someone else thank you. I like parties, I really do. And there are all kinds of things to celebrate as we motor on through life.
I loved my own dad. As I have said, he wasn’t perfect, but God chose him just for me. When there are days that relate to him, I still think about him and reflect on the good memories I had with him over the years we had him.
Being the person I am, I realize that we have another Father, who is perfect but we are constantly learn so much from Him because He is all knowing. As I read my bible I see His hand print on it. I read about wonderful ways He stepped into people’s lives and know He does the same with us. And everything He says and does it for our own good. Yes, even the commands.   
This is what I know; my earthly father wasn’t always there for me but my Heavenly Father will never leave us or forsake us. He also gently guides us through life knowing the path we need to take and then He has the light on at the window, waiting for us to finally arrive home.
Something to think about

Monday, June 03, 2019

On A Light/er Note

One thing that I like at this year is the amount of daylight we are experiencing. No more vitamin D for me right now, at least for a little while. For much of the year, I take vitamin D due to having SAD. But now, at this time of year, I’m out early and see the first glimmer of light about 4:30am. It’s totally awesome.  I think God does this for us early birds.

On the other side of coin, or should I say, the other side of the planet, I’m headed for bed with the last glimmer of daylight still evident in the western sky. That gives us 15 hours 15 minutes of sunlight with about an hour on each end of sunrise and sunset. That comes out to over 17 hours of vitamin D.

Interestingly, the people who live north of us get even more. When we were in Saskatchewan, I remember the sun didn’t go down until after 10pm and it started to come up about 1:30am. Now that’s a lot of Sun. But it's not as much as my friend in Northern BC who has some form of sunlight constantly at this time of the year.  Maybe we need to have our summer vacations in Northern BC and winters in Australia.

All of this trivia came to mind this morning just to let you know, we need more and more of the Son in our lives all day, all night so we don’t experience SAD in our spiritual lives. After all He promised us joy and peace, love and hope, along with real faith that gets us through each one of our days, rejoicing because He Loves Us.

Something to think about.   