Robin's Nest

Friday, January 31, 2020

A Ground Hog - Really?

What’s with this Ground Hog Day? Like, who came up with this projection by an animal to tell us how much time we have until spring? I did some research and found out that the mayor of the town in Pennsylvania came up with the ideas on Feb 2 1897. Why, no one really knows.
If it had any validity, wouldn’t there be one in every town in the cold climates of Jan-Feb? I don’t know if you have ever thought of this, but has anyone calculated how many times the rodent was right? That’s what I thought. And, while we are at it, how or who set this date for checking out a shadow?
Our society probably needs something to stimulate their cold bodies in the depth of winter. After all, we have just past the date that is the most depressing day of the year for many in the northern hemisphere.
Two thousand years ago one of the disciples asked Jesus when the end was coming. He got right to the point, only God does. That’s all I need to know. Which reminds me of a line of a commercial; “Your in good hands with . . . to which I say, GOD.  Most of the things that happen in our lives are directly impacted by the God who created not only everything around us, but He also created us in our mother's womb.
So, what’s the point? The point is God is in control and we don’t have a say and we don’t have to worry about when something or other is coming or going to happen. The predictability of how the earth moves and produces the season are set by God. He knows and we don’t have to worry. The earth has been set in a predictable routine that doesn’t change all the much.  
And it’s the same for our lives. We just place ourselves in His hands and leave it up to Him to get us through. Didn’t He say, He would never leave us or forsake us?
Something to think about.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Our World Changes Every Day

Change comes in different ways. In the fifties, things moved along at a snail’s pace. This meant that change wasn’t as noticeable as it is today. In the sixties, the pace was picking up. Even in the church it was forced to change and try to keep up. This happened in spite of how the ‘older folks’ tried to hold on to the ‘the way it has always been’.

In the seventies, we started to accept changes. Our cars changed with the muscle car craze. Everything started to speeding up in most other areas of life. Our homes changed, the way we looked at life change and it appeared things were moving along with so many things to keep us occupied. Well, except the church.

In the eighties, and on into the nineties, it seemed that no one had time to sit back and relax. Life was getting more and more complicated. But the church was in many ways holding on to the past. The speed of life accelerated to break neck speed. It was the same with our children who needed entertainment every waking moment of their young lived. Or so we thought. First thing in the morning they sat in front of the tv and the screen took over the babysitting chore.

This increase in speed of life has continued to accelerate. It’s almost as if we don’t have time for ourselves, let alone time for God. Many churches have not kept up to the speed of the 2020’s. It is trying to hold on to one thing that is constant. Sorry to say it can’t. The only think that can be a constant at church now is: “the message never changes”. And the only thing constant in modern day life is the screen that used to sit on the livingroom floor is being held in everyone’s hand. At church, everyone is asked to turn off their cellphone. And that can be a good thing.

The method of doing church is changing, the way we are being the church is changing with it. But what does this mean to you? It means that for one or so hours a week, you can sit before the God of all creation and take a breath. It’s a time when you can talk to Him and He talks to you. It may be the only time in your week where you can live out this verse: Psalm 46:10 God said, “Be still, and know that I am God.”

Something to think about


Monday, January 20, 2020

The Smell of God.

If I were to let you know what I’m smelling right now, would you be able to smell it? Let’s try it.  Right now there is the aroma of breakfast sausages wafting through the house. Yes? No? I read somewhere a long time ago that all you have to do is mention an aroma and your mind takes over and you can smell it too.
Okay, the coffee is on and the brew is ready. Do you smell the coffee? Or how about the smell of rubber burning from a young kid burning the tires off of his car. We are so fortunate to experience so many wonderful aromas in our lives. and the memory of it comes right back to us and we experience it again and again. Clean laundry, fresh of the line, I know you have that one. Roses, the coming rain, fresh cut grass. Hurry up spring!
Did you also know that each one of us has our own scent? It's true. Many of us first love the smell of a person before we love them. It's true. But, I’m wondering what a Christian smells like? Don’t laugh. Everyone in the world knows what a Christian acts like. We even imagine in our own minds what we think they should look like, or dress like or even what a Christian will talk like and what we may say. The last one comes out of the verse that says, ‘Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of our heart be acceptable to God.”
Some of you might, by now, think I’m crazy but hear me out. Read 2 Corinthians 2:14-16: “Through us [God] spreads the aroma of the knowledge of him in every place.  For to God we are the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.  To some we are an aroma of death leading to death, but to others, an aroma of life leading to life.”
Here is how Eugene Peterson translated it:
“Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation — an aroma redolent with life.”
So, the question is, if we know all the other attributes of a child of God, and seek to do them, what do you smell like? I think its all the fragrances of this world combined to be His aroma in us. What do you think? Read the picture again. 

Definitely, Something to think about

Monday, January 13, 2020

You'll Never Walk Alone

I’m guessing there are days you think the same things I'm think: 'Life can be difficult'. As you have heard me say in the past, ‘you and I walk on the same ground'. And sometimes we wish we could float above the pavement. Sorry to say, not going to happen. The reality is, sometimes, ‘we have to walk that lonely highway’. Yes, that’s a song but it’s wrong. Walking alone is a self preservation decision many of us make.

As a society we continue to hide behind the phrase, ‘I’m good, how about you?’ We all say it, even me. You see, God and I have had some serious conversations of late about having some tough times. This week I made the decision to share it with you. If this is what I'm thinking, it's only understandable many of you are suffer in silence as well. And before this was to be sent out this morning, God showed up.

There was a God Moment last night while watching ‘God Friended Me’. We heard the one line in the show that stood out. There is always a line in every show or movie. You just have to listen for them.  It not only stood out but it was an answer to all I was thinking. It went something like this, ‘It would be nice to not have to pretend everything is alright.’

What? It's not too difficult to realize we all have our crosses to carry. Someone we know is in hospital, another is sitting at home nursing a damaged wrist, another is quietly at home with their only company being the tv and the pizza deliveryman. There are also others who work so long and hard, they can’t hold their head up to even watch the 6oclock news. What is yours? At church too many years ago I asked in the sermon, 'What draws you to church on Sunday?' John answered saying; 'It's the only time in my week where I can just sit quietly away from my busy week.'

Maybe that is why God wrote in the Bible to never stop meeting together, so we can encourage each other and read His word to get strength to get through. We, all of us, need each other to either lean on or to encourage each other. At 5 am this morning, God had another special something for me & indirectly for you. It happened when I opened up my computer to read my daily verse. Psalms 119:105; “By Your words I can see where I’m going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path. I’ve committed myself and I’ll never turn back from living by your righteous order. Everything’s falling apart on me, GOD; put me together again with your Word.” He did it again!

Something to think about.

Need someone to talk to? Drop me a line.


Monday, January 06, 2020

Only One Way Home

There were a lot of people traveling over these last few weeks. In many ways the airport can be either a wonderful time or a sad time, depending on which way you are going. I’ve written about this before and now again because of all the feelings we can see or experience at these junctures in time.

There are sad moments when you are dropping someone off and even some stresses on the arrival deck as you are thinking, will they be there to meet me, were they held up by traffic? There can be so many more feelings. Then there are those moments when people see each other and you can tell which person coming to see which person. When all of us see our loved one, the negatives drop away as smiles, hugs and sometimes a few tears show up.

Our lives are something like that. We come, we go and an inner feeling we ultimately find our way home. In the bible when we read about the Prodigal son, we can feel so many of the emotion an airport brings. In the passage, the son, is excited about leaving and making his mark in the world. Or, he may have just wanted to get away from dad and his brother. It was time to become the man he thought he wanted to be. He was so happy to leave. But dad cried sad tears.

When he finally figured out that he made a mistake and wanted to come home, he was gripped by fear. In our modern eyes, we can see this individual getting off the plane and making his way to the arrivals gate. There was no one there to greet him as he made his way in silence. He didn’t have the bag he had when he left, because there was nothing left. He gets out of the airport, gets on the bus and starts the trip to what used to be his childhood neighbourhood and home.

Getting close, he gets off the bus, with fear in his heart. He continues the short walk to the house. Couple of blocks later, he turns the final corner. His heart is beating so hard and so fast. He is on this all too familiar street and there is dad sitting on the porch looking his way. He practiced over and over what he was going to say. Dad started walking quickly to his son. Embracing him, dad cries happy tears because this time there is joy that the son that had been lost to him, is back. Not to a house, but home.

That is what happens every time we come home to God our Father after we wandered away. Just wondering, are you home?

Something to think about
