Do You Know Where You Are Going?
For years I thought many, many car companies were ignoring
the Auto Safety requirements that all cars sold in Canada will be equipped with
directional indicators. You might call them blinkers or signal lights. Seemed
to me almost every car company must have left them off many, many, cars. At
least that’s what I used to verbalize to myself when I was out driving and
someone changed lanes, turned corners without using that part of the car that
was first supposed to be standard equipment on all cars made sometime after
1960. That’s 55 years ago, but apparently, not so. I just read that, ready, it
wasn’t until 2013 that most countries called for it to be stand equipment.
You know I’m trying to be nice. Next time you are out
driving, take note of how many vehicles you see not using this vital safety
accessory. Now, not to embarrass anyone in particular, but this is how I see it.
Either you are one of those people who don’t use them or you are one of those
people who are bothered by those who don’t. Yes, there are other people who
just drive along and don’t give it a second thought.
Which lead me to a new conclusion. Maybe the driver of the
said vehicle doesn’t know where they are going.
Yes, they are going somewhere but not sure where and wait to the last second
to recognize where they are. Sort of like in life and faith. In both of these places
many people don’t make a decision until the last moment and then change
direction. May I say, sometimes too late?
Jesus tells us in the Bible, that He is going to prepare a
place for us. Which makes me think, do you know where you are going? In Matthew
28, He asks us to follow Him. Plain and simple don’t you think? He knows the
way, because He is the Way. God gives us all the signs and the bible (GPS), to
lead us where we need to go. When we use our directional indicators, all those
that follow us who are following Him, will get to where we are going safely.
Something to think about.