Robin's Nest

Monday, June 01, 2015

Smelling the Lilacs

Did you know that your concept of time changes with your age? I remember thinking sleep was the biggest waste of time going. Back then I went to bed late after a very full and rewarding day. Early the next morning, as soon as my mind woke up, my feet were firmly planted on the floor before I even opened my eyes and I was off at a gallop. So many things to do, experience and be involved in.

At one church I was doing so much, the people (who were older than I was) thought I was going to burn myself out. I didn’t. It was an amazing time in my life and I would hazard a guess that it was the same for you. Back then we had more energy than we knew what to do with. I even learned to speed read so I could do my bible reading in less time. Life seemed more exciting. We wanted to learn, to do, experience and be involved in more things than time really afforded. The best part was, we did it and without gaining weight.

I notice I slowed some at forty, and each ten years has slowed me even more. Today we are different. We work more with our minds because our bodies can’t do it anymore. Especially with the extra five or ten pounds that just won’t disappear. If you are not there yet, let me say that I have learned to take life slower. We stop more often to smell lilacs, lily of the valley, roses, kiss babies, watch people and smile more often.

It takes time to learn this lesson. Now I know full well that the fullness of life consists of more than running at full speed. It is more than anything about our relationships with family, friends and even strangers we meet for no other reason than being in the same place at the same time. Sort of like being in church and working on the most important relationship of all, with God in Christ.  Just like when we sing:

Take time to be holy, the world rushes on;

spend much time in secret with Jesus alone.

By looking to Jesus, like him thou shalt be;

thy friends in thy conduct His likeness shall see.

Something to think about



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