Robin's Nest

Monday, September 09, 2013

It's In The Detail

Did you notice the cool air arrived with the first day of Sept? It’s almost as if it knew the exact day to come. I attended a wedding this past weekend and the forecast was for rain.  When I arrived, there was a slight sprinkle and when the wedding party arrived, no rain at all.  Once everyone was in the building, down it came! Makes you think sometimes?  Makes you think that God somehow decides to make things happen at just the right time. Or not happen.
It was too many years ago to count that I had an incident that made me realize, God is interested in the smallest details. We had planned a drive from Hamilton to the west coast. It was a very long drive. I’m talking twenty seven hundred Km to our friends home. The initial destination, Jansen Saskatchewan to visit our first church once again. Actually we were going to visit our friends out there on our way to Expo 86. The car for the trip was a Ford Escort Wagon. Nice car but not the best to travel long distances. 
It was very late our last night on the road and we were about three miles from our friends home when I started to feel the back of the car start to wander. Thought to myself it might be just something about the gravel road.  Then it became more pronounced. We kept going as we were out there in the middle of nowhere and there are lots of places out in the middle of nowhere in the prairies.  More and more it wandered back and forth. Only one more turn and then a hundred yards to the driveway. Just reached the driveway and I knew we had a flat tire.  We moved the car up a little into the yard and went to sleep not wanting to wake our friends. At four thirty, we woke to a knock on the window that let us know we were welcome to come in to the beds that we waiting for us.
Morning proved interesting as we took the wheel and tire off of the car to discover that it was totally and completely worn out on the inside tread. We knew God was in the details and as I said, “Thank You Lord”, I could hear Him saying, “Your welcome”.
Someday soon, something will happen to each and every one of us and I want you to remember what you have just read, for indeed our God is in the details.
Something to think about.


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