Pain Hurts!

It doesn’t make any difference whether it comes suddenly or otherwise, pain is pain is pain. Most of us think of two things when it comes to pain. The first we want to rectify the problem that caused the pain in the first place. Then we find a quick solution and get rid of the pain. And this leads to the next thought on pain. Some people are more tolerant of pain then others. That is true. It’s referred to as your pain threshold.
Here are a couple of things I learned. There is a distinct difference between pain threshold and pain tolerance. So that makes things less complicated. Not. Another thing I found is, some research suggests that women have a higher pain threshold then men. Something to do with the child birth thing I mentioned earlier. And lastly, athletes will play longer while feeling pain then non-athletes.
Someone, somewhere did research, and probably got a PHD for the discovery of the different levels of pain. And how did they do that. They probably developed a standardized test which when administered to many individuals produced a nice coloured graph which in some way told us how long it would take for them to become uncomfortable with administered, inflicted pain. My questions; first, who in their right mind would volunteer for this test and secondly, do we have that many people who will do anything for money? I guess the answer is, yes.
The most interesting thing I considered did not come out of my research. It was just something I observed in myself and in others. When we have severe pain, we forget about everyone else and for the duration of the pain, IT’S ALL ABOUT ME!!! You probably agree. Hit the wrong nail with a hammer and nothing is more important than the pain in my finger. Especially if you suffer from arthritis. Just read that it is only in recent history have we developed medications and ways of minimizing or eliminating pain.
The pain we feel is what makes us human. But then I thought of another person. Someone who suffered unimaginable pain and who through it all, who after being physically attacked over and over did not focus on Himself but thought of me and you. The words of the song go like this;
“When He was on the cross, I was on His mind”.
Something to think about
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