Robin's Nest

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Just One Thing

Recently I had opportunity to talk with some college and career aged adults. At the time I was reminded of a question I had put to similar groups over time. I was looking for something specific. So I asked a question that dealt with their likes and dislikes. Just hang on, it is not about picking things apart, or being super critical.

Okay, here's the question, “If you were given the opportunity, and complete control of the church you attend, what one thing would you change?” Simple, right?

Now I didn’t just fall from the turnip truck so I knew which one they probably would all pick. So I ramped it up a little and qualified it. I gave them the restriction that it not be music. Some laughed, some showed disappointment while a couple said, "that's the only one I would have picked". Before I knew it I had before me a group of young articulate individuals who were willing to not only say something but to go beyond the trivial. They were all thinkers and they showed this with the elimination of music. They really started to think about the church they attend and what it means to have input into the functioning and workings of a congregation that seeks to fulfill its mandate under the direction of God. In no time at all, our time was up and they had not only thought, but verbalized and made decisions about how they can join in the discussion of their church and what it means to be part of the family of God.

The whole exercise with these wonderful adults got me to thinking on my solitary drive home. I recognized what the real question is above and beyond the congregations we find ourselves. So, now to the real question. Ask yourself, "Is there one characteristic you would like to get rid of or change in your life?" This Sunday we looked at Peter and discovered an everyday man. He was similar to you and me in many ways. He worked for a living, on the night shift. Came home to kids, a wife, a mother-in-law and a mortgage and boat loan. He was quick tempered along with many other traits. While looking into the face of His risen Lord, I think he changed and some of those traits were changed or should I be saying, made better. Not eliminated but changed to be used of God.

How about you? Want to look into the eyes of Jesus and recognize that He loves you as you are. And all the wonderful things of who you are, can and will be used for Him.

Something to think about.



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