Robin's Nest

Monday, April 30, 2012

It's What's Inside That Counts!

As a young boy I distinctly remember feeling a little pain in my heart every time we had team sports at school. Or team sports anywhere for that matter. I wasn't into sports too much. Still don’t for that matter. Maybe motorcycle road racing once and a while. The lack of interest meant that I might have participated but that would be the best I could describe my involvement. It also meant that I was usually the last one to be picked. And I didn’t like being compared to others.
All those memories came back this past week when I was reminded of my youth by three events that swirled around on the news. The first was the controversy over the Miss Universe pageant and Mr. Trump. Good looks? This was followed closely by the new list out on April 25 telling us who the most beautiful woman of the year is. Really? Interestingly the next couple of days after the list was published, many news agencies weighed in on the choices and voiced their own choices. MMMMMM.

Is it just me or is our society too fixated on looks and the perfect chin, cheeks, toes, and knees. What about the other 80 % of the people who think they look fine and could care less about putting anyone let alone ourselves on a sliding scale of beauty. After all, beauty is only skin deep, right? And poor personality, or narcissism can’t be covered up with good looks.
Which leads me to the latest piece of news?
The number one app for iphones is a beauty app. It is the biggest selling app for three weeks and the number one seller in China this week. What does it do? You take a picture of yourself and it analyses it and gives you a rating on a 1 to a 100 scale. The developer himself only received a 32. Again I say MMMMMMMMMMMMM. I’m asking, who set the criteria?
I’m tired of being compared to everyone else. I’m not going to play this game anymore. Don’t pick me. I don’t care. Maybe this is part of getting to a certain age and not caring what others think. No, I don’t think so. I think I have come to the realization that the most important thing in life and after life is, God loves me for who I am and not who I might be, could be, or can be, or the person behind a mask.
My bible tells me that Jesus came to die to take my sins away. Away from me the person I am and who I will always be, inside and out. The same goes for you. After all even Shakespere got into it by saying, “Vanity, vanity, all is vanity”? As God referred to David as a man after His own heart, I realize full well that my God looks on the inside. How are your insides?

Something to think about.

Monday, April 23, 2012

He Holds My Hand

We miss so much in life. Our lives always seem to be on fast forward. I slowed down these last few days after an encounter with one couple. I opened my eyes to the beautiful. I noticed the Robins hoping across the lawn and then standing on a tree branch singing away. There were tulips freshly open in the sunny spring morning. Saw people in a hurry like me and I let them go ahead. Notice those who walk slowly across the intersection and didn’t think they are walking slowly on purpose. Even observed a group of kids with one adult, walking through the neighbourhood doing neighbourly things. The next thing I noticed that morning was kids walking to school in the morning and thinking about coming back in the afternoon to watch them, slower than before, making their way home.

There was a couple, the mom pushing the buggy while dad struggled to keep up. I thought, he is probably out of work because he injured his back and he can’t even help push the buggy for mom. Saw the two older gentlemen just sitting and talking. They might just be sitting reminiscing. There are so many things to notice. It was then a middle age couple caught my eye.

They walked ahead of me into a big box store. They had gotten out of their car near me and I followed in behind. I guess neither they nor I were in any sort of hurry. Like most people they seemed to be totally oblivious to everyone around them. Side by side they moved from the car, through the parking lot and into the front door. It was then that I thought something special happened. Just walking along and I believe without thought, their hands met and took hold. I knew that wasn’t the first time. Nothing earth shattering but oh so beautiful.

As they walked off hand in hand into their afternoon I pondered how wonderful and how beautiful it seemed. But I also wondered about myself and someone important in my life. Yes I thought about my wife and I, but I also thought about myself and God. A verse came to mind and not knowing the words quite right I looked it up when I arrived home. Here is what it says: “For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you”. Ish 41:13.

It’s that intimacy with God that we can have anew. We can walk hand in hand with God in such a way that it is real and natural. Somewhere else in my bible I read about having a passion for God, but just like all other relationships, it begins with intensity and beauty, but then - life. . . It changes and it loses some of its fire.

Just maybe watching them holding hands will help me and you to open our eyes to who God is in our life and to do something to change it as we think of the words of the song; I Know Who Holds Tomorrow;

Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand.

Something to think about. Rob

Monday, April 16, 2012

There is Good In All Of Us

I met some new folks this past weekend. They came in the door at the church and I just happened to be going by, so I introduced myself, not mentioning that I’m the pastor. Nice couple. I then introduced them to a couple of other people and went about what I normally do each Sunday morning.

Always nice to see new faces and talk with new people. Later in the afternoon while reflecting on the morning and seeing everyone, a very old line came to mind. Will Rogers once said, “I joked about every prominent man of my time, but I never met a man I didn't like.” This couple fit right in there as I smiled. Most of us old people just remember the last part of that quote, “I never met a man I didn’t like.” Now you know what thinking does for me.

This line had me thinking of all the people I have met over the years. And there have been lots. I would have to say, that the majority of people I have met will qualify for this line with no problem. But let’s be honest. There may be people out there. . . And yet, are there? The reason I ‘m saying this is because, actually, can we really say Rogers line without question? Before you say no, let me finish.

Yes there are people who are not easy to get along with. Dr. Phil even asks people, “How much fun are you to be with?” It might be true. I believe Will Rodgers line is deeper then we realize. The problem may be we don’t allow ourselves the opportunities to get to know people and learn what makes them tick. Within each and every one of us is a person who needs the same three things. People need love, acceptance and to be needed. Hey, we need these three things.

Which leads me to say along with Will Rogers, “I have never met a person I didn’t like.” No, not one. I guess God has something to do about that. And it comes in two ways. The first is, we were ALL created by God. The next time you have opportunity to see a beautiful baby being held by its parent, ask yourself, are they not beautiful? Created in the image of God, my bible reads. Secondly, say it with me, “God loves me!” The bible states it emphatically. And if created and loved by God, He loves us in spite of who we are. He calls us to Himself and tells us we are loved, accepted and needed. I think a writer by the name of Rick Warren wrote about that a few years back.

If a wonderful God can do that with me and you, then don’t you think we can do little else with everyone else?

Something to think about. Rob

Monday, April 09, 2012

"To Do" Lists

Have you ever woken in the morning wondering what you might get accomplish? It’s not often that we have days like that. Our lives are too full, too busy and too complicated to offer us that luxury. More often than not, we get up and get going. Luck for us there are the odd day when we can. There was a day when every house and every person might have had a job jar. And that could be the answer to the question we first asked. Then, as time moved on we men recognized the honey dew list. That great leveller of mankind. An unending list of things that if you were to accomplish all of them, somehow miraculously by the next morning we would be met with another list, just as long and just as complicated.
Myself, I love attacking a list. May not accomplish much of it but I have a list. Actually I have a number of lists. And one day I’m going to put dates on them to see how long it really takes to get any one of a million things done.
On the other hand, let’s admit it, it’s just great to just wake up in the morning. After working on the list the other day, I fell exhausted into bed. It was a long day and a tiring day. Not too many minutes left before sleep enveloped me. There in those moments I relived what the day had held. “It was a good day”. I also found myself thanking God for the time, the energy, the accomplishments and yes, the list that for a few short minutes would be smaller.
So, the cycle of day in day out goes for each one of us. So I thought. Up until I read in my bible that our days are numbered. No, I’m not going to get all depressing. I just started recognizing there is a need to make the most of the time God is giving me. Not to be so consumed with what I can do or how well I can make that list appear smaller.
What I realized at that moment was, God was helping me to add important things to the list. Remember the story of Jesus at the well. He was just taking a break from the disciples. Just hanging at the well. Getting kinda thirsty, he asked a distract women for a drink. In those few minutes, He spent a short space of time with someone who appreciated a kind word. And we can do no less.
Take time attending our children’s sports games. Add to the list, just going on a date with your wife or husband. And not necessarily to Wendy’s. I add taking time each day to make one 15 minute call just to let someone know they were being thought of. It was easy to add helping someone get something on their list done. It was even easier to go and visit someone who can’t come and visit me. Just today I received $20 unexpectedly and tomorrow I’m going to put it to work for someone else.
In the last week I accomplish some things and at the same time I accomplished amazing things. All because, God said, today is a gift, share it with someone else.
When we wake up tomorrow, will we recognize the gift of 24 hours God has placed before us? And will we use it wisely doing something for people that Jesus Himself would do?
Something to think about.

Monday, April 02, 2012

Christmas At Easter?

It was my desire to finally accomplish what I have never been able to do. It’s been years since I started on this journey. And I was determined this would be the year. As I looked around I was sure nothing had escaped my sight. Everything appeared to be packed in those thirty seven big blue tote bins. Well, not just packed. Items were lovingly handled and protectively packed in bubble wrap. Held myself back from popping them all. Then they were softly placed in the bins and taken carefully upstairs. It was when they all arrived in their safe hideaway that I felt it was the end of it for another year and I had finally done it. Not one thing left out anywhere.

For too many years, something, somewhere in the house, displayed one or more of these items for part if not all the year. But this year I made a thorough search of the house. I looked in every room. And while in each room I checked high and low, behind things, in things and everywhere in between. I was proud of myself this year. It was finally going to happen. For the first time in years, no, first time ever the Christmas decorations will finally disappeared into the lofty heights of the attic for another 10 months.

It felt good to go around the house and not see something, red and green. We even gathered the Christmas linen out of all the cupboards and drawer. Even snuck up on the tea towel drawer just in time to pounce on just one more escapee. It was a masterful plan. After all, we are at Easter you know.

That was until just a few minutes ago. Up until then I thought we made it. It was a great feeling, – that didn’t last. Then, then I took the laundry out of the dryer for my wife. And what should I behold? It was a bright red and white pair of socks, and not just one sock but two. . Foaled again. Seems like I will never win this battle of the Christmas items. Out of nowhere, comes this decidedly Christmas item. And I will have to admit, this is probably not the last thing I find.

As I sit holding this pair of socks I realize this is no coincidence. No haphazard appearance. I believe it was God Himself gently nudging me to realize Christmas is part of Easter and Easter part of Christmas. We can’t have the one without the other. We can’t have the birth, the beginning of life, without the sacrifice for sin. They are intrinsically entwined, one in the same. Jesus came as a baby to live in a world we all share. His words tell us, “I came to seek and save those who are lost”. And He did that by taking our place. He took our sin and paid the penalty for us.

As we continue our Lenten walk to the cross with Jesus, be thankful He came. And be eternally grateful He paid the price for our sins so we can know grace, forgiveness and eternal life when we will be raised to new life, just like Him.
Something to think about & Happy Easter. See you in church.
