Robin's Nest

Monday, April 30, 2012

It's What's Inside That Counts!

As a young boy I distinctly remember feeling a little pain in my heart every time we had team sports at school. Or team sports anywhere for that matter. I wasn't into sports too much. Still don’t for that matter. Maybe motorcycle road racing once and a while. The lack of interest meant that I might have participated but that would be the best I could describe my involvement. It also meant that I was usually the last one to be picked. And I didn’t like being compared to others.
All those memories came back this past week when I was reminded of my youth by three events that swirled around on the news. The first was the controversy over the Miss Universe pageant and Mr. Trump. Good looks? This was followed closely by the new list out on April 25 telling us who the most beautiful woman of the year is. Really? Interestingly the next couple of days after the list was published, many news agencies weighed in on the choices and voiced their own choices. MMMMMM.

Is it just me or is our society too fixated on looks and the perfect chin, cheeks, toes, and knees. What about the other 80 % of the people who think they look fine and could care less about putting anyone let alone ourselves on a sliding scale of beauty. After all, beauty is only skin deep, right? And poor personality, or narcissism can’t be covered up with good looks.
Which leads me to the latest piece of news?
The number one app for iphones is a beauty app. It is the biggest selling app for three weeks and the number one seller in China this week. What does it do? You take a picture of yourself and it analyses it and gives you a rating on a 1 to a 100 scale. The developer himself only received a 32. Again I say MMMMMMMMMMMMM. I’m asking, who set the criteria?
I’m tired of being compared to everyone else. I’m not going to play this game anymore. Don’t pick me. I don’t care. Maybe this is part of getting to a certain age and not caring what others think. No, I don’t think so. I think I have come to the realization that the most important thing in life and after life is, God loves me for who I am and not who I might be, could be, or can be, or the person behind a mask.
My bible tells me that Jesus came to die to take my sins away. Away from me the person I am and who I will always be, inside and out. The same goes for you. After all even Shakespere got into it by saying, “Vanity, vanity, all is vanity”? As God referred to David as a man after His own heart, I realize full well that my God looks on the inside. How are your insides?

Something to think about.


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