Robin's Nest

Monday, April 23, 2012

He Holds My Hand

We miss so much in life. Our lives always seem to be on fast forward. I slowed down these last few days after an encounter with one couple. I opened my eyes to the beautiful. I noticed the Robins hoping across the lawn and then standing on a tree branch singing away. There were tulips freshly open in the sunny spring morning. Saw people in a hurry like me and I let them go ahead. Notice those who walk slowly across the intersection and didn’t think they are walking slowly on purpose. Even observed a group of kids with one adult, walking through the neighbourhood doing neighbourly things. The next thing I noticed that morning was kids walking to school in the morning and thinking about coming back in the afternoon to watch them, slower than before, making their way home.

There was a couple, the mom pushing the buggy while dad struggled to keep up. I thought, he is probably out of work because he injured his back and he can’t even help push the buggy for mom. Saw the two older gentlemen just sitting and talking. They might just be sitting reminiscing. There are so many things to notice. It was then a middle age couple caught my eye.

They walked ahead of me into a big box store. They had gotten out of their car near me and I followed in behind. I guess neither they nor I were in any sort of hurry. Like most people they seemed to be totally oblivious to everyone around them. Side by side they moved from the car, through the parking lot and into the front door. It was then that I thought something special happened. Just walking along and I believe without thought, their hands met and took hold. I knew that wasn’t the first time. Nothing earth shattering but oh so beautiful.

As they walked off hand in hand into their afternoon I pondered how wonderful and how beautiful it seemed. But I also wondered about myself and someone important in my life. Yes I thought about my wife and I, but I also thought about myself and God. A verse came to mind and not knowing the words quite right I looked it up when I arrived home. Here is what it says: “For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you”. Ish 41:13.

It’s that intimacy with God that we can have anew. We can walk hand in hand with God in such a way that it is real and natural. Somewhere else in my bible I read about having a passion for God, but just like all other relationships, it begins with intensity and beauty, but then - life. . . It changes and it loses some of its fire.

Just maybe watching them holding hands will help me and you to open our eyes to who God is in our life and to do something to change it as we think of the words of the song; I Know Who Holds Tomorrow;

Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand.

Something to think about. Rob


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