Robin's Nest

Monday, April 16, 2012

There is Good In All Of Us

I met some new folks this past weekend. They came in the door at the church and I just happened to be going by, so I introduced myself, not mentioning that I’m the pastor. Nice couple. I then introduced them to a couple of other people and went about what I normally do each Sunday morning.

Always nice to see new faces and talk with new people. Later in the afternoon while reflecting on the morning and seeing everyone, a very old line came to mind. Will Rogers once said, “I joked about every prominent man of my time, but I never met a man I didn't like.” This couple fit right in there as I smiled. Most of us old people just remember the last part of that quote, “I never met a man I didn’t like.” Now you know what thinking does for me.

This line had me thinking of all the people I have met over the years. And there have been lots. I would have to say, that the majority of people I have met will qualify for this line with no problem. But let’s be honest. There may be people out there. . . And yet, are there? The reason I ‘m saying this is because, actually, can we really say Rogers line without question? Before you say no, let me finish.

Yes there are people who are not easy to get along with. Dr. Phil even asks people, “How much fun are you to be with?” It might be true. I believe Will Rodgers line is deeper then we realize. The problem may be we don’t allow ourselves the opportunities to get to know people and learn what makes them tick. Within each and every one of us is a person who needs the same three things. People need love, acceptance and to be needed. Hey, we need these three things.

Which leads me to say along with Will Rogers, “I have never met a person I didn’t like.” No, not one. I guess God has something to do about that. And it comes in two ways. The first is, we were ALL created by God. The next time you have opportunity to see a beautiful baby being held by its parent, ask yourself, are they not beautiful? Created in the image of God, my bible reads. Secondly, say it with me, “God loves me!” The bible states it emphatically. And if created and loved by God, He loves us in spite of who we are. He calls us to Himself and tells us we are loved, accepted and needed. I think a writer by the name of Rick Warren wrote about that a few years back.

If a wonderful God can do that with me and you, then don’t you think we can do little else with everyone else?

Something to think about. Rob


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