'till The Storm Passes By
It’s a known fact that we Canadians talk about the weather
more than anything else. So, I’m going to share the latest weather report. Thunder, lightning and rain in London right
now and the clouds are starting to blow in from the west to Woodstock. With all
the rain we have had of late, it’s not a report we are looking forward to.
This is something else we talk about and that is, the
weather people don’t seem to be too accurate. Remember all those Weather Alerts
this past winter never materialized? Not coming was a wonderful thing. Mind
you, it’s so nice to have a warning.
Most of us do not look forward to storms. The odd rain like
last night is not a problem, but wind and rain, broken limbs and power down not
so much. Many people my age can remember those storms that rocked our world
when we were young. Kids, just ask us about the snow of ’77 or the hurricane of’54.
They came with power and might and nature
did what it wanted to do and we had no say in the matter. Just like too much
rain over this spring and the high water marks like we have not had before now.
Weather also helps us understand the storms of life. We to have
big storms, small storms, and ones that come quick lasting only for a little
while. There are even storms that knock our lights out. We all experience
storms, we all are gripped by fear when we know it’s coming and we prayer real
hard. A line from a long time ago doesn’t always help. ‘If God brings us to it,
He will get us through it’.
But like most of the storms in our world, the ones in our
lives end with a beautiful calm after it has passed. The clouds of darkness
part and disappear only to show for each of us a Son that shines in the
brilliance of God's heaven. What a reassurance for all of us that brings to our
hearts the words we have sung so many times in the past:
Till the
storm passes over, till the thunder sounds no more
Till the
clouds roll forever from the sky
Hold me
fast, let me stand in the hollow of Thy hand
Keep me safe
till the storm passes by
Something to
think about