Robin's Nest

Monday, September 28, 2015

Enjoying The Ride

“It’s a dog’s life”. You have heard that saying more times than you can count. I wanted to make sure that I understood what it really means so I looked it up and discovered that it is a idiom. Are you ready? Here is what I read:  - something that you say which means that life is hard and unpleasant. Eg: I've got to go to the supermarket, then cook a meal, then pick Dave up from the station - it's a dog's life!

I know a lot of people thought a dog’s life was pretty good. They get up when they want to. Get petted lots. Free food, well almost, sometimes you have to do a trick or wag your tail. Occasionally get punished for chewing a slipper or two. But all in all, it seems like a good life, especially if you wag your tail a lot.

I think I finally understood what it’s like to be a dog. You’ve seen it and so have I. It’s driving down the street and looking over to another car only to see the slobbery mouthed dog with its head out the window. Don’t tell me you haven’t smiled at the dog. To me, I look over and see total abandonment on the side of the dog. It doesn’t care if it gets hit by a bug. He or she is enjoying the view and feeling the wind in their fur. Something akin to bikers maybe.

Which got me to wondering why they love doing this so much? Actually looked it up and discovered two things. First, not one dog has told anyone why, and two, they believe it’s because they have never seen things from so high up. Every time they get higher, it’s a new experience for them and they don’t want to miss a thing because, by nature dogs are very inquisitive.

Maybe we should try that. Maybe we should go higher and closer to God. Maybe we should stand taller, stretch our spiritual necks and see things that God is taking us on a ride to see. At that point, we will really feel the wind of God blow in our hearts.

Something to think about.


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Walking In The Rain

Many of you have seen the recent picture of a father, walking with his son in the rain. It’s a touching picture viewed by millions of people world wide. It conveys that many men can be fathers but it takes a special man to be a dad.
The son does not have rain gear so his father holds his own umbrella over the son and gets socked to the skin in the process. He does it for his son. Interestingly, the women in the picture doesn’t even notice.
God does the same thing for us. In our storms of life, God is there showing us how He is a dad to us and we get to call Him Abba Father. Love is like that. Agape love is like that. God demonstrated His love to us in that while we were sinners, He broached the storm with His Son taking our place.
As I look at that picture over and over I am confronted by the reality of the question that I need to answer. The same question we all ask. Am I a father or a dad? God has asked us to take His place in this world. In doing so, how much of God do people see in us. It’s not what we say that proves we are God’s children. It’s how we model our Father.
Look at the picture, ask yourself the question, and then go and be the child of God, who proves it everyday when no one else is looking.
Something to think about.

Monday, September 14, 2015

The Winds of God

I’m afraid to say it but fall is in the air, and the winds of time are changing. Believe it, it’s great to be alive inside and out as the winds in life blow. Just last night as I lay thinking about how amazing Sunday was, a familiar sound began to fill the room. Off in the west I could hear the faint sound of the train coming our way. It doesn’t get close to our home but on occasion, when the wind blows in the right direction we hear it as if it’s a couple of blocks away. All this because the wind carries the sound through the night.
The pull of that amazing 6000 horsepower diesel-electric engine and the sound of its air horn at every crossing invade the room. I can close my eyes and see it as if I’m standing right beside me as it speeds past. What an experience. Maybe if you close your eyes and imagine, you will see it for yourself, clickity-clack.
God does the same thing you know.  He uses the wind to make us, to change us and to guide us. We just have to feel it blowing our way. God did it with the disciples when the wind filled the room and the Holy Spirit came for the very first time. “Do It Again”. The verses that really strike home with me are the ones found in Psalm 104. Listen to them and again, imagine the wind blowing and you hear the voice of God speaking to you. You will never feel the wind in the same way ever again. “Do It Again”.
Praise the Lord, my soul. . .
He makes the clouds his chariot
    and rides on the wings of the wind.
He makes winds his messengers,
    flames of fire his servants.
Something to think about

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

The Book

School is back! What a great opportunity our children will have in this next school year. More reading, more to learn, more to explore and more friendships grow.  It’s a great time.
For many, any time is a great time to learn something new. I’ve mentioned it a number of times over the last few weeks, we should all be life long learners. The fact is, I just picked up five new books for myself. Four of them are new Small Group Study manuals. I’m getting ready, are you?
There is just something exciting about opening the front cover of a book. Just so you know, I have not graduated to one of those electronic tablets that have my book on them. Not saying I might not get to it but there is just something about having a book in my hand.
Over the last few months I have had people I respect send me a list of books they have read and recommend. Some were described as Summer Reading and now others are about, must read, in the next little while. Interestingly I have had people come to me and ask me what books I would recommend. Just send me an email and I will give you a couple to give a go.
Over the years I had read lots of books and some keep coming back. Here are a couple. An old one that never grows old is, In His Steps by Charles Sheldon. Written way back before the automobile. It’s message is still very relevant today. Of course there is Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life. The title explains itself and a used copy can be had on line for as little as one dollar.
But the best book that I recommend to everyone before any other book is ‘The Bible’. It has been said that any answer in life can be found on it’s pages. Lately someone has asked me what book within ‘The Book’ should they read first. I told them to read the Gospel of John. There you will discover that not only does God love you, but He sent His Son to pay the price for your sin. Now that’s the best reading of all, to know you are forgiven. What book are you reading?
Something to think about.