Robin's Nest

Monday, September 28, 2015

Enjoying The Ride

“It’s a dog’s life”. You have heard that saying more times than you can count. I wanted to make sure that I understood what it really means so I looked it up and discovered that it is a idiom. Are you ready? Here is what I read:  - something that you say which means that life is hard and unpleasant. Eg: I've got to go to the supermarket, then cook a meal, then pick Dave up from the station - it's a dog's life!

I know a lot of people thought a dog’s life was pretty good. They get up when they want to. Get petted lots. Free food, well almost, sometimes you have to do a trick or wag your tail. Occasionally get punished for chewing a slipper or two. But all in all, it seems like a good life, especially if you wag your tail a lot.

I think I finally understood what it’s like to be a dog. You’ve seen it and so have I. It’s driving down the street and looking over to another car only to see the slobbery mouthed dog with its head out the window. Don’t tell me you haven’t smiled at the dog. To me, I look over and see total abandonment on the side of the dog. It doesn’t care if it gets hit by a bug. He or she is enjoying the view and feeling the wind in their fur. Something akin to bikers maybe.

Which got me to wondering why they love doing this so much? Actually looked it up and discovered two things. First, not one dog has told anyone why, and two, they believe it’s because they have never seen things from so high up. Every time they get higher, it’s a new experience for them and they don’t want to miss a thing because, by nature dogs are very inquisitive.

Maybe we should try that. Maybe we should go higher and closer to God. Maybe we should stand taller, stretch our spiritual necks and see things that God is taking us on a ride to see. At that point, we will really feel the wind of God blow in our hearts.

Something to think about.



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