Robin's Nest

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

The Book

School is back! What a great opportunity our children will have in this next school year. More reading, more to learn, more to explore and more friendships grow.  It’s a great time.
For many, any time is a great time to learn something new. I’ve mentioned it a number of times over the last few weeks, we should all be life long learners. The fact is, I just picked up five new books for myself. Four of them are new Small Group Study manuals. I’m getting ready, are you?
There is just something exciting about opening the front cover of a book. Just so you know, I have not graduated to one of those electronic tablets that have my book on them. Not saying I might not get to it but there is just something about having a book in my hand.
Over the last few months I have had people I respect send me a list of books they have read and recommend. Some were described as Summer Reading and now others are about, must read, in the next little while. Interestingly I have had people come to me and ask me what books I would recommend. Just send me an email and I will give you a couple to give a go.
Over the years I had read lots of books and some keep coming back. Here are a couple. An old one that never grows old is, In His Steps by Charles Sheldon. Written way back before the automobile. It’s message is still very relevant today. Of course there is Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life. The title explains itself and a used copy can be had on line for as little as one dollar.
But the best book that I recommend to everyone before any other book is ‘The Bible’. It has been said that any answer in life can be found on it’s pages. Lately someone has asked me what book within ‘The Book’ should they read first. I told them to read the Gospel of John. There you will discover that not only does God love you, but He sent His Son to pay the price for your sin. Now that’s the best reading of all, to know you are forgiven. What book are you reading?
Something to think about.


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