Robin's Nest

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Just One Thing

Do you remember hearing when you were young, “Try harder”? Usually it had something to do with one of the subjects we were poor at, like spelling. Was it worth it? Not really because every program on the computer now has spell check. I even tried my best at sports but to no avail. Being miserable at anything isn’t good for the self-esteem. Especially if you have someone yelling at you to do better.
For me, this went on and on, one year after another after another. That was until grade six. Lucky for me I had Mr. Smith. An unassuming teacher, except for one personality trait, or as we talked about this week in church, characteristic. He had the uncanny ability to see something special in each child. He saw it in me and said to me one day, “what would you love to do more than anything else?” I replied that I would like to memorize a famous speech and recite it. No poetry for me. A famous speech. To my amazement he didn’t tell me to work on my spelling. He told me to learn the speech over the weekend and on Tuesday afternoon I could do it for the history lesson.
That afternoon I recited it word for word. Still can if you would like to hear. I was finally allowed to do what I liked doing. That was only the beginning. After that I did other things and Mr Smith did the same with each of the other children.
That year changed us all and we began to not only love school but we got better in all the other subjects as a bonus.
When I arrived on the large steps of bible college I met another wonderful encourager.  This is what he told us; “find something that you would love to do without getting paid for it and then find someone to pay you for doing it.” I have been living that dream for forty six years.
Over these years I added another dimension to these wise men. You see, I believe we should encourage children to go after the one thing they love more than anything else and DO IT! Yes, keep up the other marks but work and work on what you love, weather it’s something in class like math, or sports or music. Just go out and do it with all your enthusiasm and dedication. Seek to find that elusive 100%.
You see, I believe what another man told us about God in our lives. Rick Warren told us we all have a God given purpose we just need to find it and make it the priority of our lives. 
Do you know why God put you where you are and doing what He wants you to do? If you haven't, start looking today and you will never be the same. 
Something to think about. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

A Fist Full Of Firsts

Can you remember that first warm day about a week ago? Well it’s been and gone. This week we get back to reality, and probably don’t like it.  It was good while it lasted but then again, it’s reflecting the reality of life. We have our ups and downs. Here’s something else to think about. We all have firsts. First day of warm weather. At one point or another everything in life is a first. Yes, there is that line, ‘there is a first time for everything’.

Make a list if you want; ice-cream, riding a bike, new car, new house, being in water that is not a tub, and even going to school. All of them are firsts. You have your own list in mind or you have been part of a child experiencing what we have already done.

So you feed the baby ice-cream for the first time and you see their reaction. Similar to your first time tasting ice-cream.  We all remember our first bike ride. Well, it started with a three wheeler. We then graduated to a two wheeler with training wheels. Then the big day, off come the training wheels and you are off for a few seconds until you fall down. The falling down might be what we remember more than the ‘getting it’.

With a new car there is also the first scratch or accident. Our first swim might have come with our first mouthful of unexpected water. That is the reality of life. There are good things about new things and there are not so good things as well. I’m not saying always bad. In many cases we experience the bumps, bruises and scratches that come with experiencing new things.

The best part of new things is, our parent that took us through many of them. When we were young, our parents helped us learn to ride a bike by running beside us and holding on to the seat.  Now, like enduring the uncertainty of the weather, we take it as it comes, the good, the bad and the ugly. No longer do many of us go through these experiences with our parents. We are grown, independent and able to face new firsts that sometimes we don’t really want to. It is then, we call on our heavenly Father to hold the seat of the bike as we keep going, getting up and going again, because He said; “I will never leave you not forsake you”. That you can bank on.

Something to think about


Monday, April 13, 2015

Throw It Off!

Just in case you missed it, spring came in a very dynamic way this past weekend. Even most of the weather projectors missed it. But we didn’t. I saw so many people out there for the first time this year, enjoying the sun, warmth and singing Robins. What a great start to a wonderful spring.

One thing I did notice right away was all those people, including yours truly, taking off the winter coat. On my way to the office I had to wear the coat with only 5C. When the warmth arrived just past nine, off it came. Winter seemed to go on forever. and we have been weighed down this winter, bundled and wrapped in those large, heavy, bulky coats. I say, throw them off! Put them away and get ready for some freedom. Sunday raised my spirits as I threw off that coat, breathed in the fresh clean air and felt reborn into this spring.

Reborn in spring, with its evidence in the snow bells that have been up for a little while and Saturday I took notice of the crocuses waving their beautiful white blooms in the wind. They pushed with all their strength and threw off the fall leaves that covered them all winter. Now they are free. Soon the tulip and daffodils will be joining them.

This is one of the most amazing times of year where we push back the cloche of winter to reveal the new life discovered in spring. And so it should be. Jesus threw off the shroud of death and rose from the dead. Now, we can throw off all that weighs us down and entangles us. Actually, Paul wrote something in Hebrews 12:1.

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, . . .”  Does it stir you heart? Receive the new life offered by God in Christ as we mimic the new life we see in all of nature around us.

Something to think about.


Thursday, April 09, 2015

Ten What?

Do you ever wonder where we get some of our laws in this country?  Most laws are there to keep us safe. “Walk on the left facing traffic comes to mind”. But did you know that you can’t drag a dead horse down Yonge Street in Toronto on a Sunday?  Didn’t know that.

We have had laws since the beginning of time. Probably started when two neighbours fought over a property line. But then again, we just need to go back to the bible and discover that God started with the laws of nature before we started getting annoyed at what someone else was doing. Makes me think of that Canadian City that doesn’t allow anyone to whistle in public. I guess the seven dwarfs would be in trouble there.

Some very serious laws really get me scratching my head. There are places where you cannot plead guilty for a crime you committed. Who thought that one up? Someone has to get paid to prove you did what you did. Really? There are other laws in places of the world where you may not be guilty due to insanity. I often wonder with that one, whose definition of insanity is used and how easy is it to use that law?

I’m so glad I have my Bible. I find in there so much black and white. Doesn’t seem to be any wavering in those Ten Commandments.  As we used to say, ‘they are not suggestions’.  I believe God knew us so well, He instituted the laws of the bible to protect us all from ourselves. He wants the best for us and lets us know what that is. Way back when I was a kid, we “learned from the “Good Book” and were taught the golden rule.

I also believe we need to take responsibility for our actions now, today, because, one day, when we stand before God, there will be no excuses.   When I did something wrong as a kid, my parents made me ‘face the music’. One day, we will stand before a loving Father. How will you plead then? Lastly, at Easter, Jesus paid it all, and He will plead our case!

Something to think about
