Throw It Off!
Just in case you missed it, spring came in a very dynamic
way this past weekend. Even most of the weather projectors missed it. But we
didn’t. I saw so many people out there for the first time this year, enjoying
the sun, warmth and singing Robins. What a great start to a wonderful spring.
One thing I did notice right away was all those people,
including yours truly, taking off the winter coat. On my way to the office I
had to wear the coat with only 5C. When the warmth arrived just past nine, off
it came. Winter seemed to go on forever. and we have been weighed down this
winter, bundled and wrapped in those large, heavy, bulky coats. I say, throw
them off! Put them away and get ready for some freedom. Sunday raised my
spirits as I threw off that coat, breathed in the fresh clean air and felt
reborn into this spring.
Reborn in spring, with its evidence in the snow bells that have
been up for a little while and Saturday I took notice of the crocuses waving
their beautiful white blooms in the wind. They pushed with all their strength and
threw off the fall leaves that covered them all winter. Now they are free. Soon
the tulip and daffodils will be joining them.
This is one of the most amazing times of year where we push
back the cloche of winter to reveal the new life discovered in spring. And so it should be. Jesus
threw off the shroud of death and rose from the dead. Now, we can throw off all
that weighs us down and entangles us. Actually, Paul wrote something in Hebrews
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of
witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily
entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, . . .” Does it stir you heart? Receive the new life
offered by God in Christ as we mimic the new life we see in all of nature around us.
Something to think about.
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