Robin's Nest

Monday, November 26, 2012

In two weeks it will all be over. At least that is what they are trying to tell us. Have not figured out who ‘they’ are. No, not Christmas either. Some ancient culture, the Mayans, which ran out of big rocks, made a calendar and could only print a calendar to the size of the biggest rock. It ends Dec 12. 2012. My guess is, they didn’t have paper at the time. Why are we so focused on this so much? Remember Y2K? Maybe we are so fascinated by this prediction because we love adventure of the unknown or unexplained or maybe even have a yearning towards doomsday events?
I have another theory. Life as we know it will be over tomorrow morning. Yes, that early. If you believe as I do that we begin a new day, a new experience, a new phase in life each and every morning when we get up, you will also realize that life is continually filled with new life. It could be compared to a flower. One day there is a bud and the next day a flower. You may have witnessed this in nature but also in children as they grow and mature through the progression of just living each day.
Tomorrow is a new day unlike any day that has gone by us so far. What we make of it depends on what we wish to get out of it. I wrote about that before, about writing on a new page. So, your life and my life as we know it ends each evening.
Here is another thought. Our mundane life will end when we get the Christmas Spirit.  However, you perceive Christmas Spirit to be. Just recently, Nov 1st to be exact,  there was a lot of talk about piped in Christmas music in Shoppers Drug Mart. “Too early” some were saying. They even wrote emails to protest and had it changed. But life will change with every passing day, especially the special ones we celebrate.
In relations to Christmas, I believe that this spirit of Christmas comes, not with lights, decorations or even when Christmas music shows up in our life. I believe it comes when we recognize the reality of someone loving us no matter what or who we are. It’s His birthday! Not ours. But when the love Jesus exhibited in His life and death becomes real in your life, life will change like never before. And even Christmas will have a new reality.
Does life really change each day? Yes. It changes every day you meet with Jesus. And it will change the day you invite Christ into your life. When you receive from God, the gift of forgiveness, you will want to show others the gift you received and then share the love He has shared with you. And you don’t have to wait for Christmas to get it.
Something to think about

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Page In Your Life

Have you ever written a journal? You know, putting down on paper what constituted your day? Even if you don’t, you can look at life as one page at a time and while we are awake we write on that page. We write all kinds of things. What we do, what we say, who we engage in conversation with, even what we watch on tv. Whether you like it or not, what we do each day, we write it in our book of life. A friend of mine is in the process of writing about all the things she remembers of her life. If you think about it, that can be an almost insurmountable task. And it scope all depends on two major things.  How much can you remember and how much detail do you actually want to write?
At one time I tried to do the same. Maybe not in as much detail but just an outline. I started with the first line. It read, Born. Good start. After all, I really have no recollection of what happen that day. Yes, I was there but no, don’t remember a thing. Then I filled in a bit more detail.  Wrote things like, “Born in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Hamilton Ontario, mid-afternoon. The only one of our siblings born in a Catholic Hospital. Was told later my siblings went out for Halloween and told every house they had a new brother. They received extra candy for their new brother but I never saw it”. 
Then came addresses, homes, places we lived and family we visited, Even talked about standing on the front seat of the car so I could see over the dashboard. Think about that one sports fans. Things got a little arduous as I started to remember things, so I just listed my life in point form. I thought, I will fill in the details later. Most of it uneventful and maybe that is why I gave up on the details for now. I don’t know if it’s about not having anything important to say or what it is, but I have put it aside. An interesting aside to this is, I know people who milestone their lives by the cars they owned and driven. Interesting. One thing I did notice, I seldom wrote anything about the mistakes I had made and never of the sins I had committed.
When I finished what I had been writing I realized there were two events that needed to be told in detail. Dr. Phil calls such events, Defining Moments.
The first one that I filled in with much detail happened when Jesus became real to me. Life changed when Jesus came into my life. It was the same for you. And if you have yet to meet my Jesus, let me tell you, you will never be the same. He is real and He loves me. He will love you to. And just like me God in Christ will remember your sins no more.
The second event with some detail happened when Jesus called me to ministry. I had no interest in doing that. After all, I had my life all planned out. I was going to make money and live on easy street. He had different plans. At first it seemed easy to say no to God. At least for the first few times. Until I could no longer say no.
It was at these two points I not only turned the page but I began a new chapter in my life. As the bible tells us, we become a new creation. Reborn if you will. Changed in the twinkling of an eye. A time to move on from one period of time to the next.
Those changes are there for you as well. Let Jesus come into your life. Ask God to forgive you for all the poor choices you have made. Ask Him to make you into something amazing. A child of His. Then ask Him what He would have you do with your life. Speaking from experience, it will be something beyond your wildest dreams.
If you haven’t turned the page or opened a new chapter in your life, consider it today. He is waiting to write an astonishing story with you.
Something to think about.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Heaven Declares!

To tell you the truth, moving is not one of my favourite activities. Research tells us that it is one of the top stresses in anyone's life. When I was younger, it was a different story. Back then things were simpler and less complicated. And the best part of moving was taking those you love with you. My oldest daughter is going to be moving soon for the second time in two years. For them it’s going to be a full day or two being they have one house and two storage bins to take from one place to the other. We will all help where we can. But this reminds me of the time when we, as a young family of four, moved four times in a year... I know, you don’t have to say it.
Back then it was to deal with church and school and work. Now things are different. By the way, not wanting to move has nothing to do with being set in my ways and not open to change. Maybe now I would move at the drop of a hat if I didn’t have so much to move. The job today would be enormous even though we have sold the piano. We have so much stuff, and stuff and more stuff. Which got me thinking of my first move. All it took was a 1956 black (after all preachers wore black back then) Meteor convertible.  Put the top down, put the boxes in, put the top back up and drove away. What a great feeling that was. 
There is a second type of move that thrills me.  It is moving from not knowing or understanding to one of those aha moments. You have had them, I have had them. In fact I hope you are moving along with me and having many. It’s such a great feeling to move forward in our knowledge of God. We call it Progressive Revelation.  You might ask what that is? My personal definition is, when God steps into our hearts and minds and smiles as He whispers in our ear, “this is what that passage means for you today.”
One of these moments happened last evening as I watched a tv show filled with so many amazing images of what we have around us. The forest, mountains, valleys, stream and rivers. The animals and whales, fish and birds. So much to view and so little time in our lives to see it all. Maybe that is what David sang about and maybe we missed it. I will give it to you again.
Psalm 65:8
"The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy".  Joy, one of my favourite words. 
My prayer is We will move closer to Him as we take time to notice everything today. Take time to see a glimpse of God in everyone you meet. Take time to thank Him for all that makes life so wonderful. Especially for those closest to our heart.
Something to think about.

Monday, November 05, 2012

42% Will What?

Are you a statistics person?  I just love to hear facts and numbers. The reason that I am asking is due to a statistic that I heard come through the news wire service this past week.  It stated that the human body is made up of approximately 60% water. Really? Way back when, I remember my teacher telling us that our bodies were made up of over 80% water.  Well, after hearing the story, I decided to check it out. And you should always check out things you hear and especially read in those pesky fwds we get in our inboxes.  What I found out astounded me. Here goes. Babies and Children have just under 80% water and this percentage decreases with age and also decreases the more we weigh. I didn’t know that.
This new information, to me that is, lead me to the line I heard a long time ago. “72% of all statistics are made up.” Now, that one always gets my attention.  Over the years I have read, Barna, Bibby, and others on church statistics. Even read some of our own Canadian statistics. Some are very informative while others just make me scratch my bald head.
Two other quotes about stats that come to mind are these. First there is a quote from Steve Brown. A wonderful preacher from Orlando FL. who says, “Fifty percent of what I tell you is wrong, the problem is, I don’t know what 50%. You can listen to him on the computer at KeyLife. You will like him. Not only do I agree with him on that one but I might have to say I’m there as well. God has not given me all the answers. A mother standing beside a dying new born asks, “Why?” My answer to her, “I don’t know”. And I don’t.
The second stat is what I learned long ago, maybe 1970. “Fifty percent of all our decisions in life will be wrong”. Really? That’s not a good average. But then I thought, many of our decisions are of no consequences. Who cares if yellow beans are the wrong ones to go with fish? My concern is that the big decisions, the life changing decision, are right. Going to the right school, dating the right person, even going to the right church?
Statistics tell us so many things. Here is one last statistic for you to ponder. Seventy two percent of the people you know will come to church if you invite them. And 100% of everyone you know need Jesus Christ in their life just like you do, because, if we include Him in our decisions, then our percentages on the major decisions of life will change in a most positive way. Maybe we need to include Him in all our decisions?
Something to think about.