Robin's Nest

Monday, November 12, 2012

Heaven Declares!

To tell you the truth, moving is not one of my favourite activities. Research tells us that it is one of the top stresses in anyone's life. When I was younger, it was a different story. Back then things were simpler and less complicated. And the best part of moving was taking those you love with you. My oldest daughter is going to be moving soon for the second time in two years. For them it’s going to be a full day or two being they have one house and two storage bins to take from one place to the other. We will all help where we can. But this reminds me of the time when we, as a young family of four, moved four times in a year... I know, you don’t have to say it.
Back then it was to deal with church and school and work. Now things are different. By the way, not wanting to move has nothing to do with being set in my ways and not open to change. Maybe now I would move at the drop of a hat if I didn’t have so much to move. The job today would be enormous even though we have sold the piano. We have so much stuff, and stuff and more stuff. Which got me thinking of my first move. All it took was a 1956 black (after all preachers wore black back then) Meteor convertible.  Put the top down, put the boxes in, put the top back up and drove away. What a great feeling that was. 
There is a second type of move that thrills me.  It is moving from not knowing or understanding to one of those aha moments. You have had them, I have had them. In fact I hope you are moving along with me and having many. It’s such a great feeling to move forward in our knowledge of God. We call it Progressive Revelation.  You might ask what that is? My personal definition is, when God steps into our hearts and minds and smiles as He whispers in our ear, “this is what that passage means for you today.”
One of these moments happened last evening as I watched a tv show filled with so many amazing images of what we have around us. The forest, mountains, valleys, stream and rivers. The animals and whales, fish and birds. So much to view and so little time in our lives to see it all. Maybe that is what David sang about and maybe we missed it. I will give it to you again.
Psalm 65:8
"The whole earth is filled with awe at your wonders; where morning dawns, where evening fades, you call forth songs of joy".  Joy, one of my favourite words. 
My prayer is We will move closer to Him as we take time to notice everything today. Take time to see a glimpse of God in everyone you meet. Take time to thank Him for all that makes life so wonderful. Especially for those closest to our heart.
Something to think about.


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