Robin's Nest

Monday, November 19, 2012

A Page In Your Life

Have you ever written a journal? You know, putting down on paper what constituted your day? Even if you don’t, you can look at life as one page at a time and while we are awake we write on that page. We write all kinds of things. What we do, what we say, who we engage in conversation with, even what we watch on tv. Whether you like it or not, what we do each day, we write it in our book of life. A friend of mine is in the process of writing about all the things she remembers of her life. If you think about it, that can be an almost insurmountable task. And it scope all depends on two major things.  How much can you remember and how much detail do you actually want to write?
At one time I tried to do the same. Maybe not in as much detail but just an outline. I started with the first line. It read, Born. Good start. After all, I really have no recollection of what happen that day. Yes, I was there but no, don’t remember a thing. Then I filled in a bit more detail.  Wrote things like, “Born in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Hamilton Ontario, mid-afternoon. The only one of our siblings born in a Catholic Hospital. Was told later my siblings went out for Halloween and told every house they had a new brother. They received extra candy for their new brother but I never saw it”. 
Then came addresses, homes, places we lived and family we visited, Even talked about standing on the front seat of the car so I could see over the dashboard. Think about that one sports fans. Things got a little arduous as I started to remember things, so I just listed my life in point form. I thought, I will fill in the details later. Most of it uneventful and maybe that is why I gave up on the details for now. I don’t know if it’s about not having anything important to say or what it is, but I have put it aside. An interesting aside to this is, I know people who milestone their lives by the cars they owned and driven. Interesting. One thing I did notice, I seldom wrote anything about the mistakes I had made and never of the sins I had committed.
When I finished what I had been writing I realized there were two events that needed to be told in detail. Dr. Phil calls such events, Defining Moments.
The first one that I filled in with much detail happened when Jesus became real to me. Life changed when Jesus came into my life. It was the same for you. And if you have yet to meet my Jesus, let me tell you, you will never be the same. He is real and He loves me. He will love you to. And just like me God in Christ will remember your sins no more.
The second event with some detail happened when Jesus called me to ministry. I had no interest in doing that. After all, I had my life all planned out. I was going to make money and live on easy street. He had different plans. At first it seemed easy to say no to God. At least for the first few times. Until I could no longer say no.
It was at these two points I not only turned the page but I began a new chapter in my life. As the bible tells us, we become a new creation. Reborn if you will. Changed in the twinkling of an eye. A time to move on from one period of time to the next.
Those changes are there for you as well. Let Jesus come into your life. Ask God to forgive you for all the poor choices you have made. Ask Him to make you into something amazing. A child of His. Then ask Him what He would have you do with your life. Speaking from experience, it will be something beyond your wildest dreams.
If you haven’t turned the page or opened a new chapter in your life, consider it today. He is waiting to write an astonishing story with you.
Something to think about.


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