Robin's Nest
Happiness Is, To Know The Saviour. . .
Okay everyone. It’s time for another question. What makes you happy? I mean really happy. Not something so inane as, “Don’t worry. Be Happy.” Walked by someone just yesterday and she was shining as she showed pictures of her grandchildren. She said to us in the line we have all said or wanted to say, “If I knew grand kids were this great I would have bypassed having children.” Funny, right?
There have been times when I have written in this column, how happiness is based on a happening and how it is more important to have joy from God. Make sense and most definitely right, but being happy is good too. I think there is more to happiness then I have rightfully given it over the years. Maybe it has something to do with what my doctor said, “you are at that age you know?”. Thanks.
As we have all traveled through life, we have each experienced happiness. We have. And I think it is important to have happiness in our lives when it takes the edge off those things that don’t bring happiness. Things that make us sad and bring tears to our eyes. If happiness wasn’t to be part of who we are and take the edge off what life throws at us, I don’t think God would have given it to us.
So, where do we find this happiness? For men, it might be in that car or motorcycle or boat or rod. Yes, that may make us happy for a little while, but the paint will chip and the oil needs changing or, we want another new one. It is happiness for a little while and that is wonderful. For women it could be that job, or dress or checking to see if he is standing at the front of the church. Again, happy for a time, wonderful, then we discover a wedding does not make a marriage. It takes work that some of us enjoy and that makes us happy.
Was I happy owning my 1928 Pierce-Arrow? Sure. But if it gave real happiness wouldn’t I still have it today? Would we be happy with the wedding and the children and the house and the job and the . . . I know they were, at the time? And this is where truth is. Some things or some people bring us happiness for a time and some bring it for a life time. Thank God for both. As we grow and mature, well, most of us mature, things change, life changes and we find happiness in different ways. My mom used to say the things that made her most happy were the little things. Maybe that is why she gave me her dad’s nickel with the Lord’s prayer engraved on the back. All of you can think of what makes you happy. Happy yesterday, happy today and into tomorrow. Take this amazing emotion God so lovingly implanted in who we are and celebrate it.
Look in the mirror each and every day and tell yourself what is making you happy today. If someone makes you happy, let them know. If you are happy in your heart, look into the mirror and realized that being happy is being where God has placed you today. Nothing more, nothing less and maybe that is what mom was talking about.
Something to think about
I'm First!
Don’t you just hate them? I mean, really? Who do they think they are anyway? We have all been there when someone pushes themselves to the front of what is happening and declares to everyone else, “I can do it better then the rest of you all combined!” And as my mom used to say, “I never!” Well, yes we have.
When something like this happens we might be kind and say to ourselves, or if we have the nerve, out loud, they are rude and unnerving but let it go. On the other hand, would you rather be like James and his brother John who in Luke 9:54 wanted to call fire down from heaven and consume them. There are times. “God, their getting in the way!!! Do something!”
There is another scenario where people think themselves more important. I was at the grocery store the other day, last Friday to be exact and there were a lot of people shopping the first day of the flyers. The store was packed. Most of the carts were being used which also meant there was a back-up at the cash. So I cruised around for a few more minutes and things started to clear. By the time I arrived back to the front of the store, there were only three people in line at each checkout. At this store, I try to think ahead so I can get out as quickly as possible. Instead of just standing there, I decided to leave my cart in the line and go past the check out and get a couple of boxes to put the groceries in. While I was gone, guess what happened? Yup, you know. Some important person . . . sorry, yes, there she was, looking all around but not at me. I presume she realized it wasn’t a good idea so she backed off and resumed her previous position and all was well with the world.
I wonder how it looks, looking down? From God’s perspective. Don’t we sometimes put ourselves first in God’s place? Maybe I’m the problem. Maybe I get in God's way. Someone said, “The difference between where I am with the Lord and where I should be is the difference between the God I want and the God who is.”
He wants to do something in this world, in our lives and in our heart and we get in the way. We push Him aside and take control. I wonder if He thinks about calling fire . . . No, probably not. After all, He loves us. A number of months ago I read something that keeps coming to the front of my mind. It was this statement; we are part of God’s History. Yes, we think of ourselves as moving and contributing to history, the history of our country, of your family, even our church. But really, its God’s history and we are part of his. Take your place and let God do the rest. Just get in line and be ready when He calls. He will you know.
Something to think about
Ain't it Funny...
Have you ever received a letter in the mail unexpectedly? Ever been sitting around, vegging and the phone rings. It’s someone you have not talked too in ages. Or, now with our electronic age, an incoming email from someone you have not communicated with in a long time?
It happens to all of us. Yes, I know. We’re busy. There are so many things to do. Willie Nelson said it well; Well, hello there!
My, it's been a long, long time . . .
How am I doin' ? Oh, I guess I'm doin' fine
It's been so long now, and it seems that it was only yesterday
Gee! ain't it funny, how time slips away?
After all, we have work, and the kids. There is the house cleaning, yard work, taking out the garbage, and even that most despised activity of shopping.
All of us have full lives. Willie had it right, time slips away. Before we know it, we are asking ourselves, “Where did the time go.” Some of you are saying that about the summer of 2009. Or should we say, “the summer not of 2009.” At the lodge where I go every week, I hear resident after resident say to me, “No, they have not been in lately, but I know they are busy.”
It doesn’t take much thought to realize we also involve ourselves with nonsense activities. You can name them just as well as I can. Now don’t send me letters, I’m just wondering if we have our priorities right. How many times have you heard someone say they have to get going because their favourite show is on? I have even heard people say, they need some down time to relax and read a book, soak up some rays or just watch the grass grow. Now don’t get me wrong, I do some of them to. We all do. But . . . but can’t we do those things with others?
Our lives are full. But are they full of the right things. Before you know it you will say, why didn’t I do that or this or the other. Why didn’t I go and visit someone, or call them or write a letter, even an email? Read that, not just sending a forward.
For some who are reading this, the person that has drifted to the back of our minds and heart is Jesus Christ. Where once we knew Him intimately, we just breeze by Him each day. Our excuses are the same, too much to do and not enough time in the day. Stop for a minute, didn’t He make each minute? Maybe we need to see him before we see all those others who love us and whom we love.
You see, before we know it, someone, will no longer be here to share life with. Someone who was part of our life will be gone forever. Someone we not only knew, but someone we loved and shared life with, sitting together watching the grass grow. The key word is together. After all the someone gone, may be you.
Something to think about.
A Little Rain Must Fall
I had never been here before. Out in the middle of no where. What can a person do but to exercise blind trust? Yes, going beyond my better judgement I joined the small crowd of people who had come for the wedding rehearsal out in the middle of a forest. A torrential rain had just gone through as we sat in the car waiting. We found out later, it was more than just a summer thunderstorm. But back to the adventure through the forest. We trekked , over mud and stepped through running water where water doesn’t usually run. Trusting our leader, who was actually the groom, we followed along knowing he not only knew where he was going, but he also had been this way before.
Up and down hills, panting and perspiring. Always thinking, “Are we there yet.” (Yes Anne, I hear you). This is where the wedding will take place? Nice? I had my doubts at the time. It took a little while walking from the parking lot, but we made it. He had not lead us on a wild goose chase.
My human nature kept saying, there has to be an easier way. Later I was to find out there were two that our trusted leader didn’t even know about himself. After getting there I have to say, it was worth the walk. Was it worth the struggling? My shoes would definitely say no, but I have to say it was. Now that I think about it, the best part was taking the journey with everyone else. I shared my umbrella, dodging the water dropping from the trees as the wind continued to move them. As we looked around, on the journey and at that place, we saw the beauty of God’s creation and we experienced it together. It is an amazing place and would be even more amazing on that sun filled wedding day.
Think about it? That is what is happening with us today. We are on our way to what is described in my bible. We are going to the wedding feast. We are following the groom. The one who knows the way. And just like the pathway through the forest, the way to that wedding feast has only one way. And just like that path, so to is our life filled with all kinds of obstacles that get in the way. I’m thinking of the words of Queen, “But into every life a little rain must fall.” In trust we go along together following Christ who goes before us.
One day, we will be getting to heaven and the wedding feast of the Lamb. Enjoy the journey because it will definitely be worth the trip. . . following Him.
Definitely something to think about.