Robin's Nest
Just a thought
There are many one liners around that stop us in our tracks. Here are a couple of them and how I would finish them. Remember, even if you win the rat race - you're still a rat. Or how about, the early bird catches the worm, - but it’s still a worm. One of the ones I have used over the years is; if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. - because you will be trying for a very long time.
Most of these sayings are there to encourage us and to spur us onto win the fight, race or whatever it happens to be. Other will give us courage. Courage to keep going when we feel it’s not worth the effort. All of these one liners have one thing in common, they are aimed at all of us. Every line will talk to us in some way. We are engaged in the game of life and life sometimes doesn’t go along too easily. At some points we get discouraged, despondent or just prepare to just give up or give in if it wasn’t for one line said to us at just the right time.
When I was young, I purchased a book filled with one liners. These were lines that were actually quotes from famous and not so famous people. The book was called, Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations. While other kids my age were reading things like, Trustee From The Toolroom, I was slowly and methodically reading through this volume. The tenth edition was published in 1919 after the authors death in 1905. In 2002 they published the 17th edition. Somewhere in my library, that old copy is siting, cover less and forgotten.
Over the years that have followed, I have continued to remember the words of other men and women who had more experienced in life the I. Words like, “The Almighty has his own purposes.” Abraham Lincoln. “None shall rule but the humble, / And none but Toil shall have.” Ralph Waldo Emerson. “Read the Bible. Work hard and honestly. And don’t complain.” - “Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.” Billy Graham. From Helen Keller, “I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker.”
God asked a young man one day to go out every day and push the rock in the middle of the field. The next morning the man, all fired up to do what God asked, rose early and went out to the rock and started to push. The sun rose and then slowly set. The man went back to the house and slept. Still excited about getting to the task at hand, he again went out and pushed all day. This went on for years until, in discouragement, the man stayed in bed after another fruitless day of pushing. God came to him and asked why he was still in bed. Complaining about the aches and pains he told God that it was for nothing. The rock had not moved and he was giving up. God turned to him and said, “I didn’t ask you to move the rock, just to go and push on it. God doesn’t ask us to be successful, just to be faithful.
As we all think of the words of wisdom from those who have gone before us, we realize, we have grown, matured and grown stronger from the experience. Where we have listened and taken their words to heart, our life has been full of accomplishments. My question today is, have you been faithful to God and His words to you?
Something to think about.
Come Running Back
“There she goes, just a walking down the street, singing . . . ” Those are the words that came to mind as I observed my neighbors granddaughter two sundays ago. They were over visiting Great-grandma on Mother’s Day. I would have to say she is fourteen months old now. Just getting her feet moving. Put her down, and off she would go. The biggest smile and that look that says, “catch me if you can.”
She would run away and dad would walk along behind her making sure she didn’t get into something she shouldn’t or go somewhere danger lurked. Then it was grandpas’ turn. Off she would go and the grandpa would follow along. Down the drive . . . but not to the road. He would scoop her up in his arms and carry her back to the safety of the backyard. Well away from traffic.
As many times as she ran away, they would chase her down and bring her back. One time she went around behind the car. And when there was no one chasing her, she stopped, major facial change and a running back to the arms of mom, dad, or grandpa.
What a wonderful picture of us. Be truthful now. Haven’t you done that? No, not with your parents, but with God? Maybe I should say, Haven’t WE done that? I read a while back that from the moment a child starts to walk it is a walk away from home. And I finish the book in my own mind by saying, but when they get older they realize . . . and return.
We are like that little girl. Looking at a new and fascinating, wonderful world. Not recognizing the dangers that lurk at every step. Things like, bad company, drinking, drugs, sex, theft, vandalism, and the list goes on and on. Our parents tried their best and we as parents have done the same. We have been there for them. To help them, nurture them, and lead them the right way, just as our parents tried with us.
Then there is the point when we can’t be there for them any more and they have to suffer the consequences of their own actions. We did the same or have we forgotten. For many of us, while we were searching for our own identity and independence, we lost something that was more important than anything we could have in life and that was, a parent standing by our side.
All of us have run away from God. Back then, when we looked over our shoulder He was there. Then we stopped looking. We were on our own and life was . . . well, not as safe as it once was. We still went on our own. And not unlike the Prodical Son, we finally found out what it was like to be away from a loving God.
Fortunately for all of us, God does not go behind a car and hide from us. He continues to shadow us, waiting for us to turn and see His face and come running home to His arms.
My bible reads, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Prov. 22:6)." Have you turned and looked into His face lately?
The next afternoon, I was over to see my neighbour as he put the vinyl box cover back on his truck. All over the cover were tiny footprints. As clean as he keeps his truck, these prints stay as he wears them with pride. Just so you know, God wears your foot prints.
Something to think about
Follow The Leader
My father once told me that I should learn from his mistakes because I couldn’t live long enough to make them all myself. There is something funny about that line but also something very sobering. So I will let you think about it for a moment. Read it again.
Okay, are you back? Good. If you have been reading this column for long you will already know that I sometimes turn things around and today is no different. If it is indeed true that we learn from others mistakes, then we can learn from their accomplishments. So the line could go something like this. Learn from my accomplishments because you won’t live long enough to accomplish all of them yourself. Not really. It could really be, learn from my triumphs and move forward and reach higher on my shoulders. Now that is true. But how can we do this.
I once asked a room full of seniors, “What games did you play on the school house yard when you were children?” With faces aglow, they started yelling out to me all kinds of games. It almost became a game in itself. One yelling, skipping, another piped in, kick the can and another calling, hide and seek. The one that caught my attention that day was a quiet reserved gentleman who timidly added, “Follow the leader.” With a twinkle in his eye he related all that the game entailed. One person was picked and everyone had to get in line and do the same things he or she did. He related they had to come up with some unusual things to follow. Hopping on one foot, walking backwards, turning as you walked, run, skip, and baby steps. If you know this game, you are already reliving it in your mind. You see yourself doing those things. You may even remember Brent falling down trying to do ballet steps or Amelia unsuccessfully doing the turtle walk.
Maybe that is how we accomplish all God wants us to do in life. Follow the example of others and build on their successes. John C Maxwell in his book, Leadership 360, gives us a glimpse of what a good leader looks like. He says they have something to add to others lives that will make us all richer. He adds that it can be done for our subordinates but also for our equals and even those who lead us.
Our churches have been doing this for centuries. In fact, it started with Jesus and then the disciples and then and then and then us. We read about it in Hebrews 13. “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” Stirring words for a generation that heard Elvis and Frank sing Paul Anka’s song, “I did it my way.” Who are you following and who is following you?
Something to think about
There's A New Name, Written Down In Glory...
I had one of those days the other day. While purchasing something on the internet I had to put in who I was. I know, your saying, “dah.” But no. There is that spot that you click on and down drops the options, Mr., Mrs., Ms, Dr., etc. Now some people call me Reverend, but I’m not. And a long time ago my pastor said to me, “Don’t call me Rev. because it’s just a title.” But when that drop down option comes down, who do you say you are?
That had me thinking of my name. Names say a lot, don’t they? As some of you know, my real first name is Robert. Let me tell you how I got that. By the time my mother became pregnant with me there were three other children in the family, two older girls and a boy. This was before ultrasound and no one knew what sex the child was before it was born. Mom wanted a girl. I guess that after having two wonderful girls and my brother, she said to herself that a girl is better. With wanting a girl, she decided right from the start that she wanted to call her, Robin. After a long summer of pregnancy before air-conditioning, nothing was going to ruin it for her and this wonderful girl, Robin.
And then . . . I was a boy. Well after thinking of the unborn child as Robin for so long the name stayed. This of course upset her grandfather greatly. He felt that with an older brother named Paul, I should be called Peter. So he always called me Peter. I still have glimpses of him walking with me in the old neighbourhood, and listening to my endless chatter.
When our first child was coming along, we bought the book, “Baby Names.” At night time before we settled into bed, we would read a few pages and read some names. It became a ritual of sorts for a while and we liked some, hated others and wondered about others. The really neat thing about names is, they have meanings. Robin means, bright and famous, which is another thing that I am not. I guess our oldest daughters name fits. It is German, stolen from the French, Charles, meaning FREE. And she is.
When I read my bible, I have come to notice something about names. Many times, when a person gives their life to God, He changes their name. Within the Roman Church, I know that children at baptism are given a bible name, added to their regular name.
As I look at the drop down lists I wonder, what name does God call me? I have, we have, been adopted as sons and daughters of the King and He has changed us. We are part of His family and He has given us a new name and that name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. When we get to heaven, we will hear Him call out name and we will know it and know Him.
I believe part of our new name is the very name of His Son. We call ourselves Christians. So we are. Maybe soon we should start to live up to our name, which means, anointed, and follower of Christ. Are you living up to your name?
“For there's a new name written down in glory,
And it's mine, O yes, it's mine!
With my sins forgiven I am bound for Heaven,
Never more to roam.”
Something to think about.