Come Running Back
“There she goes, just a walking down the street, singing . . . ” Those are the words that came to mind as I observed my neighbors granddaughter two sundays ago. They were over visiting Great-grandma on Mother’s Day. I would have to say she is fourteen months old now. Just getting her feet moving. Put her down, and off she would go. The biggest smile and that look that says, “catch me if you can.”
She would run away and dad would walk along behind her making sure she didn’t get into something she shouldn’t or go somewhere danger lurked. Then it was grandpas’ turn. Off she would go and the grandpa would follow along. Down the drive . . . but not to the road. He would scoop her up in his arms and carry her back to the safety of the backyard. Well away from traffic.
As many times as she ran away, they would chase her down and bring her back. One time she went around behind the car. And when there was no one chasing her, she stopped, major facial change and a running back to the arms of mom, dad, or grandpa.
What a wonderful picture of us. Be truthful now. Haven’t you done that? No, not with your parents, but with God? Maybe I should say, Haven’t WE done that? I read a while back that from the moment a child starts to walk it is a walk away from home. And I finish the book in my own mind by saying, but when they get older they realize . . . and return.
We are like that little girl. Looking at a new and fascinating, wonderful world. Not recognizing the dangers that lurk at every step. Things like, bad company, drinking, drugs, sex, theft, vandalism, and the list goes on and on. Our parents tried their best and we as parents have done the same. We have been there for them. To help them, nurture them, and lead them the right way, just as our parents tried with us.
Then there is the point when we can’t be there for them any more and they have to suffer the consequences of their own actions. We did the same or have we forgotten. For many of us, while we were searching for our own identity and independence, we lost something that was more important than anything we could have in life and that was, a parent standing by our side.
All of us have run away from God. Back then, when we looked over our shoulder He was there. Then we stopped looking. We were on our own and life was . . . well, not as safe as it once was. We still went on our own. And not unlike the Prodical Son, we finally found out what it was like to be away from a loving God.
Fortunately for all of us, God does not go behind a car and hide from us. He continues to shadow us, waiting for us to turn and see His face and come running home to His arms.
My bible reads, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Prov. 22:6)." Have you turned and looked into His face lately?
The next afternoon, I was over to see my neighbour as he put the vinyl box cover back on his truck. All over the cover were tiny footprints. As clean as he keeps his truck, these prints stay as he wears them with pride. Just so you know, God wears your foot prints.
Something to think about
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