Follow The Leader
My father once told me that I should learn from his mistakes because I couldn’t live long enough to make them all myself. There is something funny about that line but also something very sobering. So I will let you think about it for a moment. Read it again.
Okay, are you back? Good. If you have been reading this column for long you will already know that I sometimes turn things around and today is no different. If it is indeed true that we learn from others mistakes, then we can learn from their accomplishments. So the line could go something like this. Learn from my accomplishments because you won’t live long enough to accomplish all of them yourself. Not really. It could really be, learn from my triumphs and move forward and reach higher on my shoulders. Now that is true. But how can we do this.
I once asked a room full of seniors, “What games did you play on the school house yard when you were children?” With faces aglow, they started yelling out to me all kinds of games. It almost became a game in itself. One yelling, skipping, another piped in, kick the can and another calling, hide and seek. The one that caught my attention that day was a quiet reserved gentleman who timidly added, “Follow the leader.” With a twinkle in his eye he related all that the game entailed. One person was picked and everyone had to get in line and do the same things he or she did. He related they had to come up with some unusual things to follow. Hopping on one foot, walking backwards, turning as you walked, run, skip, and baby steps. If you know this game, you are already reliving it in your mind. You see yourself doing those things. You may even remember Brent falling down trying to do ballet steps or Amelia unsuccessfully doing the turtle walk.
Maybe that is how we accomplish all God wants us to do in life. Follow the example of others and build on their successes. John C Maxwell in his book, Leadership 360, gives us a glimpse of what a good leader looks like. He says they have something to add to others lives that will make us all richer. He adds that it can be done for our subordinates but also for our equals and even those who lead us.
Our churches have been doing this for centuries. In fact, it started with Jesus and then the disciples and then and then and then us. We read about it in Hebrews 13. “Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” Stirring words for a generation that heard Elvis and Frank sing Paul Anka’s song, “I did it my way.” Who are you following and who is following you?
Something to think about
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