The Smell of God.
If I were to let you know what I’m smelling right now, would
you be able to smell it? Let’s try it.
Right now there is the aroma of breakfast sausages wafting through the
house. Yes? No? I read somewhere a long time ago that all you have to do is
mention an aroma and your mind takes over and you can smell it too.
the coffee is on and the brew is ready. Do you smell
the coffee? Or how about the smell of rubber burning from a young kid
the tires off of his car. We are so fortunate to experience so many
aromas in our lives. and the memory of it comes right back to us and we
experience it again and again. Clean laundry, fresh of the line, I know
you have that one. Roses, the coming rain, fresh cut grass. Hurry up
you also know that each one of us has our own scent? It's true. Many of
us first love the smell of a person before we love them. It's true.
But, I’m wondering what a Christian smells like? Don’t
laugh. Everyone in the world knows what a Christian acts like. We even
imagine in our own
minds what we think they should look like, or dress like or even what a
Christian will talk like and what we may say. The last one comes out of
the verse that says,
‘Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of our heart be
acceptable to
Some of you might, by now, think I’m crazy but hear me out.
Read 2 Corinthians 2:14-16: “Through us [God] spreads the aroma of the
knowledge of him in every place. For to
God we are the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among
those who are perishing. To some we are
an aroma of death leading to death, but to others, an aroma of life leading to
Here is how Eugene Peterson translated it:
“Everywhere we go,
people breathe in the exquisite fragrance. Because of Christ, we give off a
sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation
— an aroma redolent with life.”
the question is, if we know all the other attributes of a child of God,
and seek to do them, what do you smell like? I think its all the
fragrances of this world combined to be His aroma in us. What do you
think? Read the picture again.
Definitely, Something to think about
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