Robin's Nest

Monday, February 25, 2019

Now, Just Wait a Minute!

Have you ever thought about how much we have to wait patiently for things, or things to happen?  While on the gurney two weeks ago, I found myself waiting. I even said to the doctor, “another example of hurry up and wait”. He admitted that it happens more than he would like.

But we do wait patiently most times don’t we? Here are a couple of experiences that I think of. We wait in line. We wait for buses, trains and planes. We wait for news or a call or someone to show up. Each of these has its own particular aspect of interruptions of life. It’s a slight interruption as we are put on hold for a few minutes or even hours. Especially with call centers. Then there are kids who continually check their phones because they think it’s broken if they have to wait more than ten minutes for their next text from their friend who just might be standing 5 meters away.

Church is part of my life so I experience waiting in different ways than most. I find myself, waiting until a certain time before going out the door to get to church.  Not so much this morning with the snow and wind. I got up, got out and got here. Then I find myself waiting for people to show up at church. It’s a constant wait, not so much recently as more and more individuals are coming early to socialize and have their first Tim Horton’s.At the same time we wait for God and His answer to our prayers etc.

Over time God gave us and example of patiently waiting. He is waiting for us to find Him, to realize we need Him and then to actually come to Him. He waited until the right time to send His Son. Even Jesus is now waiting and putting off coming again so people have opportunity to find Him. And He does it so patiently. It’s an example of how we need to wait for the – whatever. Remember, it took forty years for the Israelites to finally get into the Promised Land. Join me in our wait, while God molds us and prepares our wait to be over. Which means we have to ask another question, are we ready?

Something to think about.


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Locked In or Locked Out?

We are a society of keys. Yes, keys. We have them for everything and use them to keep our stuff from people who think what’s mine is theirs. I remember a time when I pastored in Saskatchewan that on a cold winter Sunday morning you could see most of the cars in front of the church, sitting there not just unlocked but the keys in the ignition and the car running while the service was in progress.

How things have changed. We are a society that guards it’s possessions.  After all, it’s good to be safe. Does that means our homes are safes where we lock our belongings and ourselves in? Look around your environment, how many locks and keys do you have and what are they guarding? There are keys for the house, the shed, the car, the motorcycle, garage, mailbox, and even our luggage.  Which, just so you know, the airport security loves to cut off if you have them in place. Which means someone has invented lock cutters.

I saw an interesting suitcase at the airport last week.  It looked like those people were a little over the top in keeping the case closed. There were locks on the two catches and I presume they were lock. Then they wrapped the case in plastic wrap. And not just one layers but many, many layers. In the middle of the layers, they had even added four bungee cords.  

Do you know what God told us to guard?  He said, “Guard your heart”. He says it in Proverbs and then adds to it in Philippians where we read; “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. There are so many things in our lives that we guard and we sometimes neglect the most important thing we possess and that is a heart that seeks after God. We read trash, and watch deplorable tv and in some cases we lock our heart away from God for six days a week. What’s with that? Maybe we need to be over the top in guarding out heart.

Read that verse again and then go and unlock your heart to God and lock the darkness of this world away from it. Then all will be well with your soul.

Something to think about


Saturday, February 09, 2019

Be Still & Know

I’ve had quite a bit of bother this week.  I also assume that each of you have something similar at times. For some reason it’s been very hard to relax.  It’s no one’s fault and it’s not been the weather or any other life happenings. It’s just… well it just is. No matter how hard I try, there always seems to be something in my head saying, ‘shouldn’t you be doing something, or taking care of business . . . and on and on.
Many times I find myself sitting trying to think of what I might be doing or what I should be get done or what I might accomplish. We are a society of more people than not, that think we are human doers. Maybe I’m one of them. But because I’m not in my normal environment, I can’t just start doing something. And no, I’m not at some resort where it’s all about them serving me.
Now, a few days into trying to relaxing for a while I discover what the real meaning of that one verse I have always fought a lifetime with can actually happen. Maybe my mind is finding what it actually means and how to experience the totality of standing in the presence of God and just enjoying the moment.
The bible is telling me to ‘be still’. In Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be honored among the nations. I will be honored in the earth.” A simple verse to some, but a more complicated one to mine. It’s probably because I’m still fighting with the idea that I need to be going something physically, mentally emotionally or spiritually. 
It has taken another few days for me to finally understand what it would be like to just stand in His presence. Here it is: it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do what is in me, but realize that God just wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with us and we, just feel His presence. It comes when we either stand or kneel or lie on our face and realize that He just wants to spend a quiet time with each of us. Today I did, have you?
Something to think about

Saturday, February 02, 2019

Where You Are

It’s March Break! For the students that is. In most cases, us adult trudge on. Oh, we do have holidays throughout the year and in many cases, can pick the ones we want. Then there are the fortunate ones who not only have a mid-winter break but also, go somewhere warm. Oh, that would be so nice. Or would it? After all, I’m not one for crowds. And if everyone has gone away to a warmer climate, I’d rather just stay where I am.

My neighbour likes where he is. When we mention we are going away, he tells me he doesn’t have to go anywhere because where he is, is in his vacation destination. When he first shared this to me I just shock my head and walked away.

Over the years I have grown to understand what he is saying. Here is what I came to understand. We need to always be comfortable where we are. And this doesn’t just go for physically where we are located. It also goes for every part of our life. Interestingly and especially in the area of our spiritual journey. 

Many of you know that my ‘thing’ in life is JOY. Well, I’m starting to think about ‘peace’. God of the Old Testament told the people He wanted to give them peace. Jesus told the disciples and us indirectly that He would give us peace, His peace. And that is something I can get my teach into.

I started reading about what this is, what it entails and all kinds of other ephemera thought. Here is what I think: “Peace, total peace is knowing I’m right where God has me right now”. Do you get it? Where are you in your internal life. Are you at peace? Then maybe you are as fortunate as I am, being where God has me right now.

Something to think about


A Daily Walk

Are you getting tired of winter? Has Groundhog Day got you down? Many people are having these feelings as well as other symptoms that pertain directly to the weather outside. I know I do and not happy with getting cabin fever as well. Last week when it was really cold, I decided to just stay inside if I didn’t have to go out. Even though I was looking for something special to do.

It was nice in a strange sort of way to just sit and look out the window at the beautiful snow covered back yard. Even started thinking of spring that arrives in six week and all that sort of stuff. Unfortunately I was shaken from the dream and back to reality by my neighbour starting up his snow blower.  

They tell us we should always be working on a plan, and it’s a good time to start planning while we are cooped up inside. What do you want to do when the weather breaks? What are we going to do on March Break? Now that I have this done, what next is on the agenda or the list of things you need to accomplish? That’s another problem, always having things to do. But the best one is planning where you want to be in life next month, next year, even, where do you want to be five years from now?

I have a suggestion that you can start today. Remember the disciples who Christ called? Yes, those twelve fellows who put their life on hold to follow Jesus and learn things from Him. We may not be able to put our life on hold to follow Jesus like they did but I believe we can escape daily life for a number of minutes each day to walk close to Him and learn more and more every day.  We need to be doing this every day and could start it while we are on this side of that very cold window. This way, we can start working on where we want to be spiritually in a year, in five years.  Just like the song says: “Just A Closer Walk With Thee”.

Something to think about
