Robin's Nest

Saturday, February 09, 2019

Be Still & Know

I’ve had quite a bit of bother this week.  I also assume that each of you have something similar at times. For some reason it’s been very hard to relax.  It’s no one’s fault and it’s not been the weather or any other life happenings. It’s just… well it just is. No matter how hard I try, there always seems to be something in my head saying, ‘shouldn’t you be doing something, or taking care of business . . . and on and on.
Many times I find myself sitting trying to think of what I might be doing or what I should be get done or what I might accomplish. We are a society of more people than not, that think we are human doers. Maybe I’m one of them. But because I’m not in my normal environment, I can’t just start doing something. And no, I’m not at some resort where it’s all about them serving me.
Now, a few days into trying to relaxing for a while I discover what the real meaning of that one verse I have always fought a lifetime with can actually happen. Maybe my mind is finding what it actually means and how to experience the totality of standing in the presence of God and just enjoying the moment.
The bible is telling me to ‘be still’. In Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be honored among the nations. I will be honored in the earth.” A simple verse to some, but a more complicated one to mine. It’s probably because I’m still fighting with the idea that I need to be going something physically, mentally emotionally or spiritually. 
It has taken another few days for me to finally understand what it would be like to just stand in His presence. Here it is: it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do what is in me, but realize that God just wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with us and we, just feel His presence. It comes when we either stand or kneel or lie on our face and realize that He just wants to spend a quiet time with each of us. Today I did, have you?
Something to think about


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