Robin's Nest

Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year Again. But Different

It is now just hours from 2019. In the next week you will probably type or write 2018 just out of habit. But 2019 need not be just part of your habit or routine. It’s time. Can you remember back to last year & all the things you wanted to try or accomplish. Well, did you get it done? Like most of us, you might have or you made a full hearted stab at it.
For me, there were many things I wanted to do. Working on the house was one of them. Just so you know, it is almost done and the goals I set are almost set in concrete. Yes that was a pun. For many of us, looking back only reinforces how far we come and where we missed the mark. And it’s not just part of crossing off each item from our ‘to-do’ list, it’s growing.
Another one of my goals was to finally get my two offices in order. It really was a goal. Many times here at the church I have had to clear off one or more of the chairs so visitors could sit down and talk. No Biggy. I wanted to have a nice office for people to visit in but over the year, I was just happy people came to talk. Maybe priorities are more important than we thought.
The same with working on getting to know God better. For some of us, the real push came just before the year ended. Here we were in Advent, which means getting ready. Not just for Christmas morning but for Christ Himself. And now that He is here, are we going to take this amazing opportunity to continue our walk with Him and talk with Him?
What I am trying to say is, you are already on a path that takes you to Him and starts that closer walk with Him that will change your life. It’s not just getting better and better every day in every way. That doesn’t always work as we get older and full of aches and pains.
But what is real is the feeling your soul is progressively full and free in His presence.  We feel different when God fills our heart. 2019 needs to be the most important year we have ever lived. It needs to be wrapped around, “where do I want to be in my life this time next year?”  Personally, I want to be ever closer to the Saviour who saved me from my sins.
Something to think about.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve Morning

Are you ready?  Many of us write a list of things to do, items to buy, places to go and people to see. You knew that but I thought you might need to have a reminder. It’s Christmas Eve. Those who planned ahead are done and settling down for a quiet relaxing evening. Long time ago, if Christmas was on a Monday, you had to be done on Saturday at 6pm. No store was open on Sunday back then. It took planning back them to arrive on time.
Am I ready? Me, well, not so much ready.  I would say, yes and no. Most everything has been taken care of and I didn’t see myself going into any stores today but. . . I remember back a long time ago, my mother and I used to go out on Christmas Eve morning and just walk along snow covered streets and through stores, stand with our noses to the glass of Eaton's window and, well, just watch people. It was just a wonderful time with nothing to do but walk around, say, ‘Merry Christmas’ and see and share a smile.
Interestingly, I believe this year more than any year needs someone to go around and smile, say, “Merry Christmas”, and mean it. I love all the decorations, the lights, trees and presents just as much as the next person. But for me, what is most important has never been in a store for sale. There is no glamour or glitter to sugar coat what can’t be bought.
The most wonderful thing about the most important part of Christmas is – we can all receive it. Yes, it’s free! My bible tells me that ‘to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as God’s one and only Son will give each of us all the hope, peace, love and joy that any person could possible want or need.  Then ask yourself if you cup is full.
Jesus is the gift that will fill all our desires and move us on to a life that is full and rich. Don’t count your presents or what they are worth. Count the cost to Jesus to come and bring life and light to us now at Christmas and all the year through.
Merry, Happy Christmas to all of you.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Too Many Light? I Think Not!

It is a fact that we spend more time in getting ready for Christmas than for any other activity in our lives. Now, don’t tell that to the bride who just spent two years working on getting everything just right for her special day. But think about it. If you start getting ready, say the first of November when the ‘stuff’ comes out in all the stores that means you have been at it for, oh say, about seven weeks or, 53 days. Now if you’re as old as I am, and that’s old, you have spent from age five, 3180 days getting ready for Christmas.
I bet you didn’t realize all the time you have spent at this activity. In a week, we will have arrived at this year’s celebration of Christmas, of food, candy & chocolates, presents and most of all family. Yes, you still don’t like that wet kiss from Aunt Penelope or the too tight of a hug from grandpa. There might even be one of the relatives who you don’t talk to except for this one day. But it’s Christmas.
It’s the real reason of celebrating that catches our breath and gives us pause. We realize we might be that person who isn’t looking too wonderful in God’s eyes. Yes, so much like our real lives isn’t it? In spite of how God sees us, He loves us anyway. He loves us so much, He sent His Son into a very dark world just to brighten it up, just as we feebly put up all those lights in and on our homes.
In January, we take them down, put them in boxes and tuck them away for another ten months. But don’t do that this year. Let God’s light that shines in you, continue to shine in all of this coming year. Jesus told us, that He was the light of the world just before He told us that we to are the light of the world. This year, all 365 day, carry Christmas & Jesus Christ with you as you “let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven”.   That good deed may be something as simple as smiling at someone so they can smile to.
Something to think about
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

Monday, December 10, 2018

It's Not Peace Like A River

Image result for christmas hymns quotesDo you remember the first Christmas song you heard this year? I do. It was before Oct. 31st. Still have not figured out why it was back then. I do remember a time when you never heard any Christmas songs on the radio until after Remembrance Day, and that was way after Halloween.

And I know you don’t want to hear another article or talk show on how it is all commercialism. How much money can we make before the New Year? I don’t either. So let’s see what else is good about when and how we hear Christmas music.

I believe there is a difference in what we listen to at this time of the year. Many like the songs, especially ‘White Christmas’ and all those songs that came out during or just after WW2. We all know the words. We most always sing along when we hear them until we hear them too often. We even grow to hate some like, ‘Last Christmas’. Now we have a movement to stop playing and hearing certain songs because they can be taken the wrong way, or the meaning is different in our modern society.

Here is one thing I noticed lately. On one station I noticed they were playing more church related Christmas music. Yes, they were. And it was wonderful because it had me thinking Jesus was going to be showing up soon and not someone else. At church, when I have been in charge of the music, we sing each Christmas Hymn only once during Christmas. It is part of what Love is. We lOVE the music that points us to the object of our affection. And that object is more than that, it’s the person of Jesus Christ.

You see, I believe we need to hear the message of each Hymn because they all say something most important about the child that is going to show up on Dec. 25th.

Just so you know, “Jesus is coming”.

Something to think about.


Monday, December 03, 2018

I Didn't Know That

Just so you know, there is less than three weeks until THE DAY. Just saying. Right about now, after becoming aware, you will realize that the sales flyers will be coming almost every day to your mailbox or door or even with the paper. It will be reinforcing in your mind that time is moving forward.
Now, I don’t want to get any of you stressed.  After all, don’t we have enough stress in our lives already? For many of you, no matter what age, you have some kind of stress.  From an early age, most of us have expectations put on us. We have to live up to some standard that someone else told us.
When I first started going to the Baptist Church I learned very quickly that I had to get in line. No, dancing, no missing church, no – no – no – no. At the beginning it was a learning experience. But that didn't last too long. It was just like learning a new language, which I’m not good at if you have to know. But then, what if I forget something, like, don’t hold hands in church?   AAAAAhhh.
I’m so glad a wonderful older retired pastor invited us to his home. It was a wonderful evening even though I was stressed that I would say something wrong or, well you know. He and I went into his office while the ladies visited over the clean-up from dinner.
He asked questions, listended and then he began to speak. “Son”, he said: “relax; all those things you are worried about are not in the bible. All you need to do is get to know Jesus and He will take care of the rest and care of you.” What? All this worrying was for not? As Mr. Holmes shook my hand when we were leaving, he said:  “Don’t sweat the small stuff.”
You see, of the four words we look at during Advent, Peace reassures us that all will be well. But here’s the catch, peace comes when we accept His peace in our hearts. Jesus said it: it’s not the peace in the world but heavenly peace, His peace.  Yes we can, ‘Sleep in heavenly peace’.
Something to think about