Robin's Nest

Monday, December 03, 2018

I Didn't Know That

Just so you know, there is less than three weeks until THE DAY. Just saying. Right about now, after becoming aware, you will realize that the sales flyers will be coming almost every day to your mailbox or door or even with the paper. It will be reinforcing in your mind that time is moving forward.
Now, I don’t want to get any of you stressed.  After all, don’t we have enough stress in our lives already? For many of you, no matter what age, you have some kind of stress.  From an early age, most of us have expectations put on us. We have to live up to some standard that someone else told us.
When I first started going to the Baptist Church I learned very quickly that I had to get in line. No, dancing, no missing church, no – no – no – no. At the beginning it was a learning experience. But that didn't last too long. It was just like learning a new language, which I’m not good at if you have to know. But then, what if I forget something, like, don’t hold hands in church?   AAAAAhhh.
I’m so glad a wonderful older retired pastor invited us to his home. It was a wonderful evening even though I was stressed that I would say something wrong or, well you know. He and I went into his office while the ladies visited over the clean-up from dinner.
He asked questions, listended and then he began to speak. “Son”, he said: “relax; all those things you are worried about are not in the bible. All you need to do is get to know Jesus and He will take care of the rest and care of you.” What? All this worrying was for not? As Mr. Holmes shook my hand when we were leaving, he said:  “Don’t sweat the small stuff.”
You see, of the four words we look at during Advent, Peace reassures us that all will be well. But here’s the catch, peace comes when we accept His peace in our hearts. Jesus said it: it’s not the peace in the world but heavenly peace, His peace.  Yes we can, ‘Sleep in heavenly peace’.
Something to think about


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