Robin's Nest

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Buying Time

Seems like Canada is piggy backing on USA. Well, that is how I see it. Last Friday in the UsofA they experienced Black Friday. It included thousands of Canadians who drove across our borders to shop, shop, shop. But on this side of the border Canadian Retailers were hard at winning the Canadian dollars for themselves.
It is interesting to sit on the side lines and see all that is going on. And the reason I am sitting on the sidelines is, no money, or is it no incentive big enough? People go to such extremes to get the bargain and purchase that item because it’s advertised at such an amazing price, “we can’t print the price you will have to come and see for yourself.” That was fine and dandy when gasoline was $0.24 a gallon. Yes, I’m that old.
I believe not only have our lives bought into the frenzy but our whole world is going along for the ride. Is it me or is the world getting faster and faster? Or just maybe the old adage is true; after a certain age, we are all going downhill and picking up speed. I was at the mall this past week just wandering about. People were walking twice as fast as me, and not just a few. Their conversations seemed to be twice as fast as mine. And the kids? Well they had read and answered three text messages before I could find the inbox on my phone after it beeped to let me know someone had text me. And what’s with these ring tones. I was there sitting watching people and at least thirty phones were going off every minute. The problem was, many of them sounded like mine and I kept reaching for nothing. Maybe part of the problem was, I was sitting in front of one of the phone kiosk.
Did you know that one of the most purchased items is a cell phone? It’s true and has been true for a lot of years. Again its buy, buy, buy.
It’s nice to buy something for someone you love. I do it and so will you. In fact we will all buy more then one thing for the people we love. But there are only two things of importance and they are not for sale. You can’t find it while wandering from store to store. You won’t find it on Black Friday or on the internet, even this past Monday - Cyber Shopping Day. It’s just not for sale.
The reason is, they are given to us free and those gifts are time and love. After all is said and done, when the last gift is unwrapped, hugs exchanged, two things remain to give. God has given us time. And He has demonstrated to us His love. Today you will have 86,400 God given seconds. How will you spend them? Make good use of them. My suggestion is to connect your time with your love of others. Have these two items walk hand in hand through your lives? Slow down and give people all they really want and need. A little bit of your time and all your love.
Something to think about

Monday, November 22, 2010


I believe one of the most wonderfully happy places on earth is the arrival’s area of any airport. It is such a delight to stand in a crowd of people, waiting for someone to arrive. Years ago it happened on railway station platforms and at boat docks in places like New York City and Montreal. Today it happens millions of times each day at a multitude of airports world wide. The stories that I see as I look out over the heads of the people gathered is part of our everyday lives. And in many cases it is so wonderful to see.
As I stood waiting for my own arrivals at Tampa this past month, I took the time to watch people meeting and being met by loved ones. There was the young family with strollers in hand along with all the items it takes when you travel with two toddlers. Or the little girl running and being scooped up into grandpas’ arms. Some young women looking through the crowd for that one familiar face. When their eyes meet, the smile was a mile wide and the embrace again, brought back other memories of years gone by. In the few moments that I stood there, this scenario was played out over and over, with young and old alike.
It also reminded me of my first trip to Tampa. At the time I didn’t know where I was or what I was to encounter. Coming into the main lobby from the plane I did what most people do, look around for a familiar face. Something caught my eye and it was four people sitting side by side smiling. These people looked like hillbillies on vacation in Hawaii, with the loud shirts and straw hats. Yes, there were the four I was expecting to see, but not so flashy with their attire. Again, the smiles and hugs prevailed.
Back to those latest arrivals. The expression on their faces, gave me pause to wonder if this is an image of what is to come for each one of us. Is this what we will be experiencing as we come into heaven? When we cross to the other side, will we be looking out over a sea of faces, or will we arrive to see all those we have loved, assembled just to meet us? Or will we just want to see Jesus. If it is, the words of this song need to echo in our hearts every day:
I can only imagine what it will be like, when I walk by Your side . . .
I can only imagine, what my eyes will see, when Your Face is before me!
I can only imagine. I can only imagine.
Surrounded by Your Glory, what will my heart feel?
Will I dance for you, Jesus? Or in awe of You, be still?
Will I stand in Your presence, or to my knees will I fall?
Will I sing 'Hallelujah!'? Will I be able to speak at all?
I can only imagine! I can only imagine!
But then again, wouldn’t the arrivals areas be a beautiful image of what we should be seeing every time we walk into church?
Something to think about

Monday, November 15, 2010

Someone's In Your Life

When I was just a wee little sprout, our family would go off every year to Embro for the family picnic. We had so much fun playing with all the cousins and second cousins and third cousins and . . . well you get the idea. There were games and prizes and candy, the cows, wild cats and so much more. For us city kids it was a new adventure. The whole tribe looked forward with anticipation to our gathering every year. When my aunt passed away a good number of years ago I was able to obtain some of her photos and there in the box were pictures of early reunions in the 1930's at the Logan’s. One special year we even had mugs made up, “50th Annual Major Reunion”
You will know what I mean when I say another significant part of every reunion was so much food! Coming from a family of six, this was opportunity to chow down. And dig in we did. I believe it was there that I fell in love with lemon meringue pie.
But there was more to the day. Beyond all the stuff for kids were the aunts, uncles, grandparents, great aunts and great uncles. We knew most, if not all of them by name and loved everyone. As most children do, we had our favourite one. Mine at the reunions was Uncle Ed Major, grandmas’ brother. I don’t remember much about him, but I do remember him fondly and I can still close my eyes today and see his face. I would go running up to him as soon as I saw him. He would be there near the back of the house with his siblings, listening to the chatter as he sat in his webbed aluminum folding lawn chair. It was there that he would put his arm around my waist and ask me, “How are you.” I would talk for a bit and then we would just be there arm in arm for a long while without saying a word. Maybe I loved him so much because we are so much alike. I didn’t know that then but I know it now. He was in my life for a little while and I love him.
You too have memories like that. Memories of people, who no matter how long they were part of your life, leave an indelible mark on your heart. I know another who also is leaving a mark on our lives and heart. He is one I have known for a while. For those of us who know Christ, we could say, we have known Him all your lives. And others of our number are just getting to know Him. I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt that it matters not how long we have known Him, just that we do. In the back of my mind I have this unusual feeling that to know Him longer is to love Him more. Get to know Him now and spend the rest of your life getting to know Him better. He too will put His loving arm around you and ask, “How are you?”
“He is here, listen closely
Hear Him calling out your name
He is here, you can touch Him
You will never be the same”
Something to think about