Robin's Nest

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Just Be Yourself

There are a number of good reasons people no longer attend church. They are bored or burned. They do not see any relevance or anything that is of interest to them where they are. You have your reason. But in most cases, people abandon the church but not their faith. That is what we are about.
We want to engage people in the life long search for their spiritual self. Here at New Work Church, we are interested in connecting people back to the church that connects them back to their faith. Faith is important to everyone. I have faith that I can get up from the chair and walk to the other room. I have faith that my decisions today will all be good ones. Something like the person who prays to God and thanks Him for the day. They say, "Thank you God for today, it is an amazing day and you have helped me. So far today I have not made one mistake and it feels wonderful. But, in a few minutes I will get out of bed and start doing something. Help me to make fewer mistakes today."
What does it take to work out faith in a faithless society. I think the major dimension is to be our authentic self. Too many "christians" put on a front and pretend to be holy or spiritual or religious. Sorry, these are the people that turn us away. We say, "they are phoney" or "I can't live up to that ideal".
Truth is, we don't. All that we need to do is be ourselves. God has already met the real me and He likes it. So should you.
Blessings Robin

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

He Is There

Just the other night I happened to go outside for some now, unknown reason. It was a quite night. For those few moments I stood looking up and down the street. No cars, no people, nothing. Nothing to the left and nothing to the right there was only one other way to look. My eyes took me skyward. There in the expanse of that dark night I watched the twinkle of stars and the steady light reflecting off of the satalites.
My mind went off to the song, What a wonder You are. In an instant I discovered the presence of God in what I was witnessing. As far away as those stars are, God is there. He is so far out He can see it all. We, here in the city do not see the totality of all there is to see. Our city lights defuse those small distant stars and we only see the larger, closer ones. God sees them all. He is also closer. As the satalites orbit the earth I see God as being close enough He can watch us all. He can view all of us here on this earth. He can see the wars and conflicts. He observes the child sitting on the river bank staring down into the water searching for tadpoles. He can also see a pudgy baldheaded man standing alone looking up searching for Him.
At that moment, I realized, He was there beside me.
He is here, hallelujah!
He is here, amen!
He is here, holy, holy;
I will bless His name again.
He is here, listen closely;
Hear Him calling out your name.
He is here; you can touch Him.
You will never be the same.
Kirk Talley

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Time To Take Time

A number of years ago I had the opportunity to listen to the wisdom of an older gentleman. The man called me aside and said, "Come sit a spell." I don't know what it is but older people have this uncanny ability to make the most of the less important and less of the most important. Know what I mean?
As I have allowed myself to age in mind, the body is well ahead at this time, I have begun to see what is important. It has taken me too long to get where I am today. Only a few years ago I was interested in going, doing, involvement and getting it done! Today is far different. When a teller at the store appologizes for taking so long I tell them, "Don't worry. The last time I was in a hurry was 1984". With a sign of relief they smile appreciatively.
I think I realized the importance of "sitting a spell" when I really read the account of Adam and God in the Garden of Eden. It reads, "And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden." If we understand this correctly, God and Adam walked together in the Garden. Can you imagine God saying to Adam, "Come sit a spell". We still can today. Go out in your garden, over to the park. Take your bible and sit under a tree, enjoy all God created and then read a few words from God's book.
He has something wonderful to say.