Time To Take Time
A number of years ago I had the opportunity to listen to the wisdom of an older gentleman. The man called me aside and said, "Come sit a spell." I don't know what it is but older people have this uncanny ability to make the most of the less important and less of the most important. Know what I mean?
As I have allowed myself to age in mind, the body is well ahead at this time, I have begun to see what is important. It has taken me too long to get where I am today. Only a few years ago I was interested in going, doing, involvement and getting it done! Today is far different. When a teller at the store appologizes for taking so long I tell them, "Don't worry. The last time I was in a hurry was 1984". With a sign of relief they smile appreciatively.
I think I realized the importance of "sitting a spell" when I really read the account of Adam and God in the Garden of Eden. It reads, "And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden." If we understand this correctly, God and Adam walked together in the Garden. Can you imagine God saying to Adam, "Come sit a spell". We still can today. Go out in your garden, over to the park. Take your bible and sit under a tree, enjoy all God created and then read a few words from God's book.
He has something wonderful to say.
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