Robin's Nest

Monday, September 25, 2017

Getting it Together

For years we have been reading Rick Warren’s book, “Purpose Driven Life”. We not only heard what it was saying, we even had some success at times to apply it to our lives. It’s all true. There is a purpose in our lives, a purpose for every human being who walks in this world. I don’t care where you are from or what you are doing with your life, you do have a purpose under heaven.
I know from experience this journey of discovery if filled with all too many detours. Why is that? Rick told us we all have a purpose. The major reason we never find our purpose is due to life. Life seems to get in the way. Depending on what age we are at, something inevitably gets in the way. For students in school, there are classes, walking home, tv, homework, family, friends, and the electronic age. Young adult also experience life getting in the way. Getting the right job, the right spouse, the right house, the right car, the right kids . You know, even if you have gone through only one of these items. I want you to know that life still gets in the way when you are getting older. Too many doctor appointments for one.
Just a month or so now, I sat, overwhelmed by what was going on in life and mentioned to someone, “Have you ever wanted to just run away?” I didn’t even have the energy to work on a purpose. I’m now past the age of retirement. It’s taken this long to know all this stuff because I found out there is no time in life when life doesn’t get in the way. We have to continually make time so we can discover our purpose. When I seemed to have figured it out, my purpose got up and changed.  What’s with that? 
Here is a verse to help you understand better; Ephesians 5:15-17 "Be careful how you live. Not as fools but as people who are wise. Make the most of every opportunity to do good in these evil days. Don’t act thoughtlessly but try to understand what the Lord wants you to do".

Here is the key to unlocking your purpose throughout all of life. Connect yourself to God in Christ and the purpose and your life will join hands. Sounds simple but it’s not and that is because, God has to be in both. It is only after we have learned to join our heart with God’s heart that the light will come on and we will find ourselves basking in the Light of the Son, and we will find our purpose is His purpose in life.
Something to think about

Monday, September 18, 2017

Something To Talk About

Have you ever notice how so many young people have little to no concept of who God is. I had opportunity recently to sit and listen, (without them realizing) to young people and their conversation. They talked about this, that and the other. They talked and texted and seemed to be in their own little world. Then I realized that I was seeing a glimpse of myself a long time ago. Well except for the texting bit. Did I ever tell you about my girlfriend’s mom putting a phone in my room and paying the monthly bill so I could talk to her anytime I wanted? No, another time then.
Young people have, and are involved just as much as we were fifty years ago. They have the desire and willingness to be connected and part of the culture they find themselves in with one exception. We knew about the existence of God and we could choose whether we wanted Him or not. Today, God usually isn’t part of the equation. Could be part of the Darwin stuff added to school curriculum, or prayer no longer in schools. By the way, if Darwin was right, don’t you think after 150 years someone would have proved it?
If you are reading this, you might be asking yourself, how can we fix it? In many cases, it can’t be. With three thousand churches closing each year, the voice of the Christian church is slowly fading from our society. But, and you knew that was coming, but I still think it can change when we take the time to talk about God to those young individual who is part of our life. Another but, but you have to start the conversation they don't have that reference. And start by telling your faith journey with God.
Something to think about

Monday, September 11, 2017

Just Do It - Doesn't Work

What takes priority in your life today? All of us set priorities. We even mull over the question, what’s important to us? Some will immediately admit it’s work. A long time ago, I remember sitting with an older man who asked me how I set priorities. At the time, young and foolish, I talked about all those things that occupy a young single man’s existence. He, being much wiser than I, knew of what I talked as he himself had walked the same path.
At a young age we seldom have lists of things and how they fit into our lives. We just do what is coming along. We figure we have lots of time and a full life spread out in front of us. 'Doing what comes naturally' was one of the phrases that seemed to pop out of your minds many times. As I listened to him I noticed a couple of things. Firsts I noticed missed opportunities in this conversation. Not many but a few that would never come about now due to time and abilities. The best part of the conversation was how he told me about so many experiences he had when he decided to make a plan and ‘work the plan’. From a sullen face to a sparkle in his eyes, I saw the change that came from knowing he had not missed out on any of the most important things in life and at times, found them. And all because, many years ago an older, wiser gentleman sat down with him and asked him, ‘What takes priority in your life’.
Now I find myself asking some ‘whatever comes’ young people the same question. You see, I saw it all come together and my priorities aligned themselves for me completely yesterday. Here was my Sunday. Priority #1. Church & God (and not just because I’m a preacher), then family, then concern for friends as I lay my head on the pillow exhausted by the day. A good exhaustion and a day filled with all that is important to all of us at any time in life. Woke to good news and knew God still works when I sleep and He continues to provide answers to our prayers. So, what’s your priority today?
Something to think about.

Monday, September 04, 2017

Thou Shalt Not . . .

I think there are more security vehicles out there than I can ever remember. Seems like one or two pass me every time I’m on my way to work at 5am. Part of getting old I guess. There was a time when the only security vehicle around was called a ‘Brinks Truck’. Today, everything is a security issue. Churches are even putting up security cameras. What’s that all about?
Recently I had a conversation about this and said the people in the church in Saskatchewan used to show up at church in the middle of winter and just leave their cars running. Yes, fifty cars sitting outside the church, doors unlocked, keys in the ignition, idling away.
I find myself thinking back to when I was young and yet, we all do it. My parents did it and I didn’t like it but now I do the same thing. Here is the line, “When I was your age". But, back to security.
Everyone seems to ‘need’ home security and car alarms and locks for everything else. It is getting to the point where there are locks made for anything. And even when we lock things up we hire security people to watch over it.  Seems like the only thing safe in this world is your soul. Even Satan is trying to steal that. Maybe all this stuff started in 1988 when they took the Lord’s Prayer out of the school just because a few people were offended.
But listen to this verse in Proverbs, “Above everything else, guard your heart. Everything you do comes from it”. That means we are to protect our heart so that everything we do in life is good and right and true and no one will have to have locks because our hearts are in the right place. And that place is in the hands of Jesus.
Something to think about.