Robin's Nest

Monday, May 18, 2015

Alpha & Omega

As many of you know, I love early mornings. This morning is no different. Way before five am. I heard the Robins singing. It’s was still dark but they must know more than we do. They see the morning coming before we can. They see the beauty of the first rays of sun from their high perch. A few more birds join in and their amazing chorus make me think. . .
Within minutes it’s my turn to notice the hint of morning way off in the north east. God has given us another day. That early the sounds of life are faint. Not much going on just before five. The wind is hushed, the silence is deafening and I feel, see, and experience the wonderful silence. What an amazing morning. The sun bids me and you to get up and take every opportunity this day will have.
Similarly, the night gives us the same opportunity but in reverse. The Robins are now silent. The noise of the traffic is slowly but surely diminishing and the silence is beginning to return. Off in the west the last rays of the sun paint the most exquisite painting our eyes have ever seen. It’s only there for a moment and its changes, darkens and is gone forever, another day.
As the wind’s whisper in the trees also quietens, I know, the day is almost at an end. Soon, we will all be quiet as well. Our heads on our pillows, our prayers said to the God who orchestrated the day, and we are left staring at the ceiling knowing we made it through. It’s almost as if our thoughts turn to reliving some of what transpired though our day and we are at peace.
We realize how significant the beginning and the end of our days are. At those times I think of, “Be still and know that I am God.”  In the bible I also think about this when God said, “I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.” Almost makes me think, If He is the beginning and the end, than we can leave the middle stuff to Him as well.
Something to think about.    

Monday, May 11, 2015

Just One Small Branch

If you have a garden, you will inevitably been out in it and tending to it. There is the clearing away of all the ‘stuff’ that seems to arrive over the winter. Then there is the checking on all the perennials.  As with most gardeners you have lost some plants to the cold of winter. Hopefully not too many.
This now leaves us waiting for that special day that surrounds our growing season. That date in this climate is May 24th. It is the date many wait to plant the annuals and the vegetables after the possible threat of frost has passed. I remember one year when I thought it couldn’t happen, and it did, and I paid for those plants twice. Don’t think it’s going to happen this year but who knows other than God.
Yes the wonderful season of growing and enjoying the cultivation of nature. I heard something a long, unusual a long, long time ago. I was told, all garden plants were at one time only weeds. Haven’t really agreed with that because in Genesis 1 it reads, “Then God said, Let the land produce vegetation: plants, fruit trees, And God saw it was good``. Maybe what that person meant was, all plants were wild and not cultivated.
It`s almost like kids, they need to be cultivated if you will. Nurtured, fed, trained, pruned, and placed in ideal conditions that brings out the best in them. Happened in us didn’t it? That is what happens when we are part of the family of God. John 15 talks about God the gardener tending to the true vine of Christ. We being the branches of Him, results in us being nurtured, fed, trained, pruned to be the best God always intended us to be.  Plants, us and now the next generation, all looking for the Gardener in their lives.
Something to think about.

Sunday, May 03, 2015

It's A Girl

We have all heard the news.  It didn’t take but a few minutes for the announcement to stretch around the world. William & Kate had a baby girl. Not just any baby. It’s a royal baby who just by being born is fourth in line to the throne of England. This is such new news that at my writing, they have not picked a name. Well, they may have but they are not saying yet.
My thoughts are, it will probably be three to four names long. Her father name is; William Arthur Philip Louis. And her brother is;  George Alexander Louis. This seems to be something royals do.  I’m not a royal but I have three given names. One because my mom wanted a girl and had a name picked out. Well, I got the name along with my grandfather’s two names. Royals are strange in name picking and soon we will know this little girls handle.
It was a bit of a circus for the press following Kate around for months. Not so with us mortals. For the rest of us, our mom’s didn’t have the media following them around wanting to be the first to tell the world we were born. Used to be our names would go in the paper a couple of days later but that doesn’t happen much any more. The most we will have is our name in the obituary column when that day arrives.
In the mean time we can rest assured of something very royal for us. We have been adopted into God’s family. We are children of the King. Even more than that, our name was written in the Lambs Book of Life when we accept Jesus Christ as the Saviour of our sins. The proof is in  1 Peter 2:9 and it reads;
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. It means we are His child and that's something to celebrate.
Something to think about just before Mother’s Day.