Robin's Nest

Sunday, September 18, 2011

No Shake Needed

There seems to be a lot of hand shaking going on in our society or late. This is in spite of the germs that are traveling from person to person. Never had that problem when I was a kid. At church they have this thing of passing the peace. Some people are saying, yes pass the peace but keep the germs to themselves.
If you watch those fellows on tv that go around picking other peoples junk, they seem to shake hands after every agreement on price. Now I understand that. After rummaging around in all that junk, every ones hands are dirty so what’s the problem? That takes care of the American and Canadian Pickers. The Pawn Stars and the Pawn Masters all do it. What’s with that? There was a time in our history that the handshake could be one of two things. First it was a greeting. “A pleasure to meet you.” The second was for an agreement. I wrote about this a few years ago. You make a deal and all that it took to seal the deal was a handshake. As I said back then, a person was as good as his word and maybe that is what these people are trying to resurrect.
But our society is full of other hand shakers. You will notice some of them on other tv programs. Like the show with the tribes of castaways. They go to some remote place and make deal after deal. Shake hands with every other one they can and in the end you realize their word is not worth much when the dollar signs glaze over their eyes and I must say, their hearts.
In I Samuel 12, Samuel is old and about to die. He doesn’t mention a hand shake. He just asks one simple question, in a number of ways. He says something like this, “Have I ever cheated . . . ” To that I want to say, he didn’t need a handshake and neither do I. My life and I pray your life is a living breathing demonstration of honesty and integrity that stands on its own. An honesty that comes from the word of God as it guides us though your lives and creates in us a pure heart. Psalm 51:10 “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
So let me ask. Do you need a handshake, or a signed document, or a contract? Or does the living of your life demonstrate an uncompromising honest life? If it does, then God will get the glory.
Something to think about

Monday, September 12, 2011


It’s just like turning the page. Every morning in our life is a new start. A new beginning and a new chance to write the story of our lives on new fresh unspoiled pages. Yesterday as you lay your head on the pillow, you had just written the last work, punctuated the last sentence and placed the final period for that day.
Was it a good day? Was it a great day? Or did you just go through the motions and make it to the end in one piece. At times, life is filled with amazing moments that will forever live in our minds and hearts. Moments that will in the future bring a smile to our face at the most unsuspecting time. These will be dancing around other memories or quiet reflections, and times we may want to forget but can’t.
I have been thinking about this of late. Maybe it was a moment last week that brought this to mind. It was one of those times when reflection was the only activity to fill some last minutes before climbing the stairs to bed. It came as I thought about the word history. We have a history. You, me, everyone has a history. Maybe sometime we should write it down. Some legacy we need to put in print for our children and grandchildren to read when we have passed into history ourselves. I have one such letter from my family dated, August 2 1855. Yes, that is right, 1855.
Without warning, I believe God stepped into my thinking and my musing about the past. The childhood home and church. The friends that surrounded me in high school. God then reminded me that my history was connected to His history. I took a pen in my hand and wrote the word, HISTORY. Suddenly, I got it. It is really HIS STORY. The word divided told me that all history is His story and we are part of His.
Now it’s you turn, look back on your life and discover the wonder of finding His story in your life. You will find it sprinkled in the most unusual places and you will see what I have seen. As I put the pen down I thought to myself about what was on today’s page. As I thought of turning the page, I opened my bible and turned to the next page. As we turn it in our lives, never neglect to also do it with our hands on the pages of His holy word.
Just something I thought about.

Monday, September 05, 2011

Good News Bad News - Everyday

We live in a world filled with Good News and Bad News. More then enough, we realize that seldom is there a day that doesn’t goes by where some tragedy is graphically displayed on our tv’s and in our papers. It does not look good today or will it tomorrow or next Thursday. I even think the reporters go out of their way to find bad news.
A week or so ago, my wife and I found ourselves staring at each other during the six o’clock news. We were watching a good news hour. It seemed the station had been struggling all day to find something to report about. Funny listening to a reporter standing in the middle of a field of wilted plants telling us that July was a very dry month. Not good news but then again no tragedy of life and limb.
It went on and on until we reached the point of saying, “Do we really need the news to tell us this?” And yes, this is good. It was good not to hear about pain and sorrow. Of drug deals going wrong or police arresting this person for DWI. What a great day it is when the news is filled with personal interest items. No, shootings, no fatal traffic accidents and even no fires. When we don’t hear about these things, it is definitely a good day.
When tragedy makes the news, we listen to neighbourhood people tell us, “I don’t feel safe any more.” There are bad things by bad people happening close by good people. What comes with it are fear and concern for those we care for and people who need us for support because of fear within all our hearts.
We buy home alarms and bars for our basement windows. We install devises in our cars so they can’t be stolen. We have two or three locks on each of our doors and lock sets on our windows. Anything to feel safe. But is there a point where we fell like prisoners in our own homes?
I believe the fear of today impacts our fear of tomorrow. If it happens somewhere else today, what’s to say it can’t happen here tomorrow? But did you know that almost every book of the bible has the words “fear not” in them? It’s true. The best one is found in Isaiah 41:10 “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
I met a dad at church one Sunday. He came in with his son in tow. The little guy held onto his dad’s hand very tightly. When I approached the two of them, the little fellow escaped behind his fathers legs only peaking out when he thought it was safe. What an amazing life experience that demonstrates vividly how we are to walk with our heavenly father. It is then “when we walk with the Lord,” that we understand the word of Isaiah. And maybe, just maybe, that is the answer. It’s time for us to get close to Jesus. So close we will nothing to fear.
Something to think about.