Robin's Nest

Monday, September 12, 2011


It’s just like turning the page. Every morning in our life is a new start. A new beginning and a new chance to write the story of our lives on new fresh unspoiled pages. Yesterday as you lay your head on the pillow, you had just written the last work, punctuated the last sentence and placed the final period for that day.
Was it a good day? Was it a great day? Or did you just go through the motions and make it to the end in one piece. At times, life is filled with amazing moments that will forever live in our minds and hearts. Moments that will in the future bring a smile to our face at the most unsuspecting time. These will be dancing around other memories or quiet reflections, and times we may want to forget but can’t.
I have been thinking about this of late. Maybe it was a moment last week that brought this to mind. It was one of those times when reflection was the only activity to fill some last minutes before climbing the stairs to bed. It came as I thought about the word history. We have a history. You, me, everyone has a history. Maybe sometime we should write it down. Some legacy we need to put in print for our children and grandchildren to read when we have passed into history ourselves. I have one such letter from my family dated, August 2 1855. Yes, that is right, 1855.
Without warning, I believe God stepped into my thinking and my musing about the past. The childhood home and church. The friends that surrounded me in high school. God then reminded me that my history was connected to His history. I took a pen in my hand and wrote the word, HISTORY. Suddenly, I got it. It is really HIS STORY. The word divided told me that all history is His story and we are part of His.
Now it’s you turn, look back on your life and discover the wonder of finding His story in your life. You will find it sprinkled in the most unusual places and you will see what I have seen. As I put the pen down I thought to myself about what was on today’s page. As I thought of turning the page, I opened my bible and turned to the next page. As we turn it in our lives, never neglect to also do it with our hands on the pages of His holy word.
Just something I thought about.


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