A Ribbon Of Highway

Recently I was driving and driving and my mind started to wander. At one point I started thinking about the rules of the road. I started off by taking note of the road signs; there are posted speed limits, mileage signs and everyone’s favourite, construction signs. I believe the signs are there for our benefit. They keep us moving in the right direction within safe standards to keep everyone safe. There were other signs. No parking, Keep Off Shoulder, No Stopping and the odd No Parking signs. Now, is there a particular one for us right now? Think about that one for a while as it relates to your life and moving forward.
Beyond the posted signs there are other signs that do not need words to tell us what we need to know. We learn all of these before we get behind the wheel for the first time. Just a few are, yield, curve ahead and my favourite, Deer Crossing. Especially south of
But then my mind got stuck on the ribbon of lines on the ribbons of highways. There are two colours for these lines, yellow and white. Yellow is like the amber light on the traffic light. It is a warning of something to be aware of. Then there is white which just tells us to keep to the right except in
As my mind took in all of these I realized we have the same thing in our bibles. There are things, signs if you will, given to us by God in those pages that help us to keep going in the right direction as we continue on life’s journey. But it is more then that, it is more then a guide for life and living as God intended us to live. It is also a guide, a manual; we need to repeatedly go to as it reminds us on how to be safe. There are lines we can cross that lead to spiritual death and others that will cause us to be maimed or suffer with the rest of our lives.
I believe the bible does not have all the specific answers we look for but I do believe it puts down the right line on the road that will keep us safe and in His care.
Something to think about