Robin's Nest

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Climb Every Mountian

It’s always fun watching children exercise their imaginations. Especially when they play make believe connected to using the kitchen table and chairs draped in a blanket as a fort or a castle. I remember doing that many times with my brother. It was make believe and we dreamed big dreams and acted out what we assumed was what soldiers would do in a fort or how kings would rule over their servants.
A few weeks back I watched a young child reenact the same activities I remember as a child. Even with all the changes in life, compared to 50 years ago, I noticed only a few changes over these many years. With them, it wasn’t a fort but a house, built into a cave and he used an old milk crate on top of the table to make it even taller. Just before he got to the top of this “building” to yell, “I’m the King of the Castle,” mom came into the room and ceremoniously dethroned him. It made me smile as I could hear my mother repeating the same words.
At times, life could be interpreted the same. We work like crazy getting to the top. Striving for the position everyone dreams of. And there is always someone around to take us down a peg. Or someone who steps on us as they climb over us yelling, “I’m the King of the Castle.” Two of the disciples asked Jesus through their mom if they could be the greatest when we get to heaven. After this life is over and we step into heaven we will experience nothing of the striving we now experience all around us. There will be no more pretending and no more mountains to climb and conquer. When we get there, we will not strive to be first and no trying to get to the top. We will all stand around on level ground looking up into the face of Jesus.
Maybe we should have a dress rehearsal of heaven today.
Something to think about


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