Robin's Nest

Monday, July 27, 2020

We Need The Son

Three years ago I heard about the tiny Norwegian town of Rjukan The town went that without direct sunlight for almost half the year, every year. The town is in a valley beside a large mountain that shades it from the sun during the winter. There are probably other locations I’m sure in other places but not as bad as this town.

For six months, there is at least some sunshine until the fateful day when the sun goes behind the mountain for six months. For a person like me that has SAD it sounds like a prison sentence of six months each and every year. Many of the people just put up with it and go about their normal lives. It probably gets to the point where is doesn’t even bother them.

It was like this almost forever. That is until someone came up with the idea of putting up some mirrors, three to be exact, to deflect sunlight into the town square. It raised many people’s spirits. People need sunlight. It lifts us up out of the dark days of winter and gives us a better outlook on a dark and dreary winter’s day.

I believe the same is true when we go along through life not having the Son of God in our lives. Knowing Jesus changes not only our outlook on life, but it also brings in a dimension that lifts us up and changes us within. Jesus can and needs to be in our lives. It is He who first changes our insides completely and brings about our outward appearance when it reflect Him.

Something to think about


Monday, July 20, 2020


Did you realize that Christ is near? He is. You just have to whisper His name. Did you know we are called Christians by our love and that love comes from Christ Himself? Did you also know that before we were called Christians we were called ‘The People of the Book”?

While you read the Book you will notice that Christ is mentioned right from the start of Genesis. Yes, He is there. Not only is He there but all through the Old and New Testament. The more you read the more you will see Him in the all of history. I have sometimes mentioned if you take the word history apart you get; His Story.

Here is the beauty of all of this. If you are a Christ Follower, you are part of His Story. That’s right. We are His representative to the world. How well are you doing with that? A number of years ago I was at the computer and decided to go on YouTube and listen to a lot of Christian music while working in the office. After a while I realized that the words of those songs stopped me from doing what I was trying to do. And that was for good reason. I was getting caught up in the words of those songs because the person who wrote the song, knew Jesus and wanted to share when Christ showed up in his life. Here is the one that brought this on: "We've a story to tell to the nations". Go to YouTube and listen to the words.

So, if Christ is near, and we are part of His Story, and we get into the Book, we will, like those who have come and gone before us, tell our story as it relates to Him and us. We don’t have to write songs, we just have to tell others how Christ in His Love has helped me through life. What story of yours in Christ needs to be shared?

Something to think about


Monday, July 06, 2020

Wear The Mask

Most of us want things out of our life, and I’m not just talking about calling, “Got Junk”. The virus is still here and we are continuing to live differently just to stay alive. The move to regain some of our freedoms has been disastrous in many other countries. Lucky for us we have people who tell the truth, and that truth, keep us safe and well.

Do I like wearing a mask every time I go out into public? Yes, I do. The possible negative result is not something I would wish on anyone. So, yes there are things we want out of our lives, but masks are not one of them, because those items are the things that can and will protect us from harm.

Over against those things, there are other things we want to never let go of. We want to see our friends, we want to go to school, (well most kids, okay, some kids). We want to socialize because we are social beings. Like some of you, I want to go to church and worship. But, yes, always a but, some of us will have to wait a little longer. Some people think it is freedom they are searching for only to realize that the virus has no freedom, just consequences. I think the most important part of our life that we want back is in relations to people who impact our life for positive way. Dare I say, we want to get together with all the people we love?

Just so you know I believe it will happen. One of our church songs can actually apply here. The song goes: “In His time, In His Time, He makes all things beautiful in His time”. Unfortunately we believe we have been living in a world and a time when we want instant results and everything now. Sorry, not happening. Just wait a little longer, it will.

I believe we have to live with our memories for a time until normality taps us on the shoulder. I look forward to this happening and I pray that everyone I love will still be here to share that special moment. Which reminds me, I started off saying at the beginning of this article, - if we listen to the truth about all of this, and act on that truth, it will give us freedom.  

Jesus talked about this in relations to knowing real and sustainable truth. John writes down Jesus words that have echoed through all the centuries, John 8:32 reads this way, “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Something to think about.
