Robin's Nest
Just Bring Your Fork
There was an interesting new item flashing over the news waves this past week. A research firm spent a lot of time and money following the lives of some very ordinary, everyday people. I know what you are thinking. So stop! Thinking that is. This statistical analysis was not the first one and it won’t be the last one this week. Yes, there are many statistical companies looking at us and everything about us. This one was very different. Their conclusion caught me by surprise and it will do the same thing to you. Even though many statistitions analyse the minutist thing, this one looked for reasons why some people are heavier then others. They went beyond how many people are too thin to how people get their food intake out of line. I shouldn’t talk, as my doctor has been after me for ten years to loose the weight. But this paper was different. It was very pointed. And it addressed a group of people I am very familiar with. Actually I am very fond of these people as well. What they discovered was; there is a 50% greater chance of a person being obese if they go to church. HA! Didn’t see that coming, did you? It seems they did a lot of research and follow a pack of people over eighteen years. When they compiled the results, no one could deny the report. The interesting thing that I heard from the commentator was, “Might have something to do with all the calories that are consumed at church dinners”. For a split second I thought to myself, “Well I never”. Then I started to smile as I remembered Joanna’s chicken salad sandwiches. There might be something to what they said. But more importantly I thought it might represent two more dimensions. First, we get together around a table and connect. Church and Christ are all about relationships. Dinner table is a great place to build those relationships. Secondly I thought, maybe church people are content with who they are because they know, God loves them no matter what. Something to think about. RB