But I Need It!
I am not surprised that one tv show is so popular. It’s reality tv at it’s best. You know which one I am talking about. The one where people have filled their houses with stuff and now have no room for themselves. It may have something to do with our concept of what a sale is. If it’s on sale, you should buy it. It doesn’t matter if you need it or not, buy it anyway, after all, a sale is a sale is a sale?
Our society is filled with houses, over against homes, that are jammed full of stuff. We are a generation of hoarders. We justify it by saying we may need it some day. Eventually it takes over our lives and we can become addicted to it. There are two reasons I can think of to why we would sit for a ½ hour and just look at this show. Some will watch it out of curiosity. How could someone go that far and have a house like that? The others must be watching it from a home that looks similar. Of course theirs would never be as bad. At least that is their justification for not taking the bull by the horns themselves.
Let me say that I have my own demons in this area. I keep old decorating magazines, among a few other things. We all have our idiosyncracies. We all hold on to things. In many ways it probably fills a need in our lives. It could also help us in identifying who we are. There is an empty spot that nothing seems to fill, but to have something so we can call it our own?
In a world filed with things, we eventually push out the very thing we need, companionship. I listened with great interest to one of these shows where they also dealt with the symptom and the cure. The person broke down and said, she had not been able to invite their 14-year-old granddaughter to the house since the girl was two. The rest of the show documented what had to happen in their life to get people back in their lives.
How so with us? We are the ones that fill our lives with things, activities and all those things that crowd out God. We have replaced the most important relationship we will ever have for eternity, with things and activities that are meaningless and ephemeral.
If you are sitting there reading this and feel a little uncomfortable, just maybe God is crowded out of your life. If so, ask yourself what house cleaning do you need to do and what will it take to bring Him back?
Something to think about.