Robin's Nest

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Rabbits Laying Eggs?

Being that it is Lent I thought I would do some reading in the area of church traditions.  I even looked up why we have Easter Bunnies and Easter Eggs.  Strange what the German Lutherans came up with.  If you look back far enough you will discover that the rabbit had similar characteristics as Santa.  I'm still trying to get my head around that as I think of Easter morning and going on an egg hunt or getting a basket of Easter chocolate eggs.  Wondering if someone is going to give me some of those chocolate treats for being good? Well, that's what history tells us.
Don't bother looking for either in your bible, their not there. It's all symbolism.
Here is something interesting I discovered that I can actually swallow, yes, that's a pun. The egg came out of the practice of giving up eggs, fat, and wheat for Lent. Easter became the day you could again enjoy these items and many more. The forty days are over and you can again add them to your diet. But then again, you won't find it in scripture.
What you do find is this; Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. That is what Easter is about. It's about getting closer to Jesus each day of the forty days of Lent. It's about standing below the Christ on the cross and realizing He died for my sins. It's sitting through a very long Easter Saturday wondering if everything He said about why He was dying was really necessary. It's about being there on Easter to witness the empty tomb. It's about seeing the risen Jesus and having Him talk to you as He did on the road to Emmaus. Can we say as these two disciples told the disciples and ask themselves; "Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?”. ... Luke 24:13
After all, they walked with Jesus eleven kilometers.
Something to think about.


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